
Number of indexed modules: 28,861

Most-searched modules

  1. base with 654,114 searches
  2. account with 490,672 searches
  3. web with 381,195 searches
  4. product with 338,927 searches
  5. sale with 334,253 searches
  6. stock with 282,334 searches
  7. decimal_precision with 217,601 searches
  8. mail with 209,887 searches
  9. purchase with 181,906 searches
  10. report with 155,441 searches

Most-used languages

  1. PO File with 1,333,011,275 lines of code
  2. Python with 182,042,689 lines of code
  3. XML with 162,159,464 lines of code
  4. JavaScript with 83,052,675 lines of code
  5. HTML with 23,453,449 lines of code

Most-used licenses

  1. AGPL-3, used by 17,738 modules
  2. No license, used by 11,297 modules
  3. LGPL-3, used by 3,410 modules
  4. GPL-3, used by 423 modules
  5. Other OSI approved licence, used by 299 modules