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Author: Alfadil
License: AGPL-3
Branch: accounting
Repository: aakzubaidi/ODEX
Dependencies: account_bank_statement_import, and base_iban
Languages: Python (334, 72.1%), XML (91, 19.7%), and reStructuredText (38, 8.2%)

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Author: GRAP
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0
Repository: diassynthesis/odoo-addons-grap
Dependencies: account, and product
Languages: Python (48, 100.0%)

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Author: Smile
License: no license
Branch: 7.0
Repository: 3dfxmadscientist/odoo_addons
Dependencies: sale_stock
Languages: PO File (22, 10.0%), Python (131, 59.8%), and XML (66, 30.1%)

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Author: Numigi
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: Numigi/odoo-project-addons
Dependencies: kanban_draggable, and project
Languages: Python (18, 36.0%), XML (15, 30.0%), and reStructuredText (17, 34.0%)

Disable stage column drag and drop on task kanban view
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Author: Sistemas de Datos
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: amartelr/odoo-addons
Dependencies: custom_download_file, product, and purchase_landed_cost
Languages: HTML (144, 33.0%), PO File (44, 10.1%), Python (190, 43.6%), and XML (58, 13.3%)

Print product labels since distribution cost to APLI
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Author: Julius Network Solutions
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: AizenL/julius-openobject-addons
Dependencies: base_phone, and website_sms_authentication
Languages: PO File (18, 24.0%), Python (41, 54.7%), and XML (16, 21.3%)

Format phone numbers on the website for the authentication
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Author: Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0_account_fiscal_position_rule_purchase
Repository: savoirfairelinux/account-fiscal-rule
Dependencies: account_fiscal_position_rule, and purchase
Languages: Python (79, 56.0%), XML (23, 16.3%), and reStructuredText (39, 27.7%)

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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 6.0
Repository: acysos/odoo-addons
Dependencies: account_payment_pain_base
Languages: PO File (345, 7.9%), Python (314, 7.2%), XML (129, 2.9%), and XSD (3600, 82.0%)

Create SEPA XML files for Credit Transfers
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Author: Onestein
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: a0c/addons-onestein
Dependencies: address_consolidation, and stock_transsmart
Languages: HTML (46, 51.1%), and Python (44, 48.9%)

Address Consolidation support for Transsmart integration
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Author: KMEE
License: AGPL-3
Branch: develop
Repository: akretion/odoo-brazil-banking
Dependencies: account_payment, l10n_br_account_banking_payment, and l10n_br_account_payment_mode
Languages: Markdown (43, 6.5%), Python (431, 65.1%), and XML (188, 28.4%)

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