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Author: MuK IT
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: binovo/muk_web
Dependencies: muk_web_preview, and web
Languages: HTML (126, 27.8%), JavaScript (122, 26.9%), PO File (15, 3.3%), Python (31, 6.8%), Sass (47, 10.4%), XML (29, 6.4%), and reStructuredText (84, 18.5%)

Audio Preview
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License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: 001101/app-odoo
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (318, 82.2%), PO File (12, 3.1%), Python (40, 10.3%), and XML (17, 4.4%)

stock picking filter by picking type. Use for parent children kanban navigator. dynanmic kanban. Hierarchy Tree. Parent Children relation tree filter, navigator.
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Author: TenovarLTD
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: maherjaballi/reporting-engine
Dependencies: base, and base_setup
Languages: Python (137, 43.2%), and XML (180, 56.8%)

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Author: MuK IT
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: ajinvn2019/muk_web
Dependencies: muk_web_preview, and web
Languages: HTML (153, 16.2%), JavaScript (523, 55.3%), PO File (24, 2.5%), Python (31, 3.3%), SVG (1, 0.1%), Sass (67, 7.1%), XML (46, 4.9%), and reStructuredText (101, 10.7%)

Image Preview
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Author: MuK IT
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: ajinvn2019/muk_website
Dependencies: website
Languages: HTML (232, 39.2%), JavaScript (143, 24.2%), PO File (36, 6.1%), Python (34, 5.7%), SVG (1, 0.2%), Sass (31, 5.2%), XML (33, 5.6%), and reStructuredText (82, 13.9%)

Button to jump to the top of the page.
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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12-prevent2create_object
Repository: akretion/ak-odoo-incubator
Dependencies: base, and base_setup
Languages: Python (103, 75.7%), and XML (33, 24.3%)

Avoid to create test data in sale, purchase
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-add-web_cache_name_get
Repository: akretion/web
Dependencies: web
Languages: JavaScript (80, 56.7%), Python (18, 12.8%), XML (8, 5.7%), and reStructuredText (35, 24.8%)

Limit useless name_get requests
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License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: 001101/app-odoo
Languages: CSS (8, 0.7%), HTML (102, 9.0%), JavaScript (171, 15.0%), Markdown (38, 3.3%), PO File (164, 14.4%), Python (467, 41.1%), and XML (187, 16.4%)

Quick customize and debranding your own Odoo. Quick debug, Language Switcher, Online Documentation Access,Delete test data.
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Author: LasLabs
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: Alexandre-Bernardes/odoo-connector-easypost
Dependencies: base_delivery_carrier_label, base_partner_validate_address, component, component_event, connector, delivery, delivery_package_wizard, l10n_us_product, l10n_us_uom_profile, queue_job, sale_delivery_rate, and stock_package_info
Languages: Python (2244, 21.9%), SVG (1, 0.0%), XML (703, 6.9%), YAML (7223, 70.5%), and reStructuredText (74, 0.7%)

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Author: LasLabs, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: feature/10.0/LABS-376-upgrade-connector_easypost-to-v10
Repository: LasLabs/stock-logistics-workflow
Dependencies: decimal_precision, delivery, purchase, and stock
Languages: Python (538, 76.9%), and XML (162, 23.1%)

Adds a concept of rate quotes for stock pickings
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