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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: ADVALAKI/product
Dependencies: decimal_precision, product, and product_replenishment_cost_currency
Languages: PO File (101, 21.0%), Python (227, 47.2%), XML (113, 23.5%), and reStructuredText (40, 8.3%)

Allow to define purchase prices on different currencies using replenishment cost field
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Author: Camptocamp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-1151-9.40.4
Repository: camptocamp/account-reconcile
Dependencies: base_delivery_carrier_label, configuration_helper, crm_claim_rma, delivery_carrier_label_batch, qoqa_offer, and report
Languages: PO File (47, 15.6%), Python (112, 37.2%), and XML (142, 47.2%)

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Author: Daniel Reis, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0-port-service-desk-issue
Repository: dreispt/project
Dependencies: project_contract_location, and project_issue
Languages: PO File (180, 56.1%), Python (55, 17.1%), XML (47, 14.6%), and reStructuredText (39, 12.1%)

Link Issues to an Analytic Account and a Service Location
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Author: <matt.cai>, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: new_vourcher
Repository: cysnake4713/l10n-china
Dependencies: account, and l10n_cn_account_voucher
Languages: PO File (66, 28.7%), Python (58, 25.2%), XML (66, 28.7%), and reStructuredText (40, 17.4%)

China Voucher Sequence Number Manual Generation Wizard
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Author: Savoir-faire Linux, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0_purchase_internal_validation
Repository: savoirfairelinux/purchase-workflow
Dependencies: purchase
Languages: PO File (225, 40.5%), Python (136, 24.5%), and XML (195, 35.1%)

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res_users_case_insensitive copy

Author: LasLabs
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: bodi000/odoo-base
Dependencies: mail
Languages: Python (84, 0.7%), SVG (12744, 99.2%), and reStructuredText (16, 0.1%)

Makes the login field of res.users case insensitive.
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Author: Coop IT Easy SC
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add_beesdoo_product_translations
Repository: beescoop/Obeesdoo
Dependencies: portal, and website
Languages: HTML (330, 73.3%), PO File (17, 3.8%), Python (38, 8.4%), XML (30, 6.7%), and reStructuredText (35, 7.8%)

Portal extension preventing modification of sensible data by the users
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Author: SHS-AV s.r.l.
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: zeroincombenze/connector
Dependencies: connector, universal_connector, and universal_connector_pypi_odoolib
Languages: HTML (49, 13.6%), PO File (46, 12.8%), Python (115, 32.0%), XML (17, 4.7%), and reStructuredText (132, 36.8%)

Add protocol jsonrpc[s] to Universal Connector
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Author: Akretion,GRAP,Camptocamp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: acsone/odoo-shopinvader
Dependencies: base_sparse_field, http_routing, product_template_multi_link, and shopinvader
Languages: HTML (344, 54.9%), Python (220, 35.1%), XML (8, 1.3%), and reStructuredText (55, 8.8%)

Shopinvader Product Link
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Author: My Company
License: no license
Branch: 14.0
Repository: twtrubiks/odoo-demo-addons-tutorial
Dependencies: base, mail, and web
Languages: Markdown (440, 67.9%), Python (68, 10.5%), and XML (140, 21.6%)

basic tutorial - demo odoo tutorial
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