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Author: BMyA SA - Blanco Martín & Asociados, Daniel Santibáñez Polanco
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0_dev6
Repository: bmya/l10n-chile
Dependencies: account, base, l10n_cl_counties, l10n_cl_dte_caf, l10n_cl_invoice, purchase, report, web, and webservices_generic
Languages: HTML (44, 0.2%), Markdown (33, 0.2%), PO File (443, 2.4%), Python (2702, 14.8%), XML (1524, 8.4%), and XSD (13489, 74.0%)

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Author: Daniel Santibáñez Polanco, BMyA SA - Blanco Martín & Asociados, Odoo Chile
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: Banetese/l10n_cl_dte-1
Dependencies: account, base, l10n_cl_counties, l10n_cl_dte, l10n_cl_dte_caf, l10n_cl_invoice, purchase, report, user_signature_key, and web
Languages: Markdown (3, 0.0%), PO File (72, 0.6%), Python (3228, 24.8%), XML (1518, 11.7%), and XSD (8172, 62.9%)

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Author: Blanco Martín & Asociados
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: odoo-chile/l10n_cl_dte_caf
Dependencies: base, and l10n_cl_invoice
Languages: Markdown (49, 11.3%), PO File (35, 8.1%), Python (256, 59.0%), and XML (94, 21.7%)

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Author: BMyA SA - Blanco Martín & Asociados
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0_dev6
Repository: bmya/l10n-chile
Dependencies: account, l10n_cl_counties, l10n_cl_dte, l10n_cl_invoice, mail, purchase, sale, sale_automatic_workflow, and web
Languages: Python (988, 78.7%), SQL (18, 1.4%), and XML (250, 19.9%)

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Author: Daniel Santibáñez Polanco
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0_dev6
Repository: bmya/l10n-chile
Dependencies: account, decimal_precision, l10n_cl_counties, l10n_cl_dte, l10n_cl_dte_caf, l10n_cl_invoice, l10n_cl_libro_compra_venta, point_of_sale, report, user_signature_key, web, and webservices_generic
Languages: JavaScript (18709, 64.8%), PO File (72, 0.2%), Python (1494, 5.2%), XML (438, 1.5%), and XSD (8172, 28.3%)

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