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Author: Open Source Integrators, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: agyamuta/osi-addons
Dependencies: purchase
Languages: Python (124, 67.0%), XML (39, 21.1%), and reStructuredText (22, 11.9%)

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Author: Open Source Integrators, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-fsm_loc_builder_analytic
Repository: ursais/field-service
Dependencies: fieldservice_account_analytic, and fieldservice_location_builder
Languages: HTML (393, 83.8%), and Python (76, 16.2%)

Adds Inventory Location to Location Builder
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Author: Open Source Integrators, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0_ADD_web_widget_google_address_autocomplete
Repository: murtuzasaleh/geospatial
Dependencies: portal, web_view_google_map, website, and website_sale
Languages: HTML (345, 44.3%), JavaScript (254, 32.6%), Python (86, 11.0%), XML (43, 5.5%), and reStructuredText (51, 6.5%)

Enable Google Address form autocomplete on Website sale customer form
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Author: Open Source Integrators, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-ADD-sale_missing_cart_tracking
Repository: Tecnativa/sale-workflow
Dependencies: base_tier_validation, and sale_missing_cart_tracking
Languages: HTML (369, 62.6%), Python (33, 5.6%), XML (110, 18.7%), and reStructuredText (77, 13.1%)

Extends the functionality of Sale missing cart tracking exceptions to support a tier validation process.
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