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Author: IT-Projects LLC, Dinar Gabbasov, Kolushov Alexandr
License: MIT
Branch: 13.0-mit-license
Repository: yelizariev/addons-yelizariev
Dependencies: web
Languages: CSS (7, 2.2%), HTML (69, 21.5%), JavaScript (128, 39.9%), Python (25, 7.8%), XML (43, 13.4%), and reStructuredText (49, 15.3%)

The technical module to upload multiple attachments at once
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Author: IT-Projects LLC, Dinar Gabbasov, Kolushov Alexandr
License: Other OSI approved licence
Branch: 13.0
Repository: 001101/website-addons
Dependencies: web_multi_attachment_base, and website_sale
Languages: HTML (116, 55.8%), Python (31, 14.9%), XML (16, 7.7%), and reStructuredText (45, 21.6%)

Great tool to upload multiple images at once
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