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Author: Eficent, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-mass_mailing_exclusion
Repository: ForgeFlow/social
Dependencies: mass_mailing
Languages: HTML (75, 46.6%), Python (41, 25.5%), XML (13, 8.1%), and reStructuredText (32, 19.9%)

Exclude mass mailing targets that are in other campaigns already performed.
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Author: Inspired Software Pty Ltd, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-is
Repository: inspiredbusiness/social
Dependencies: mail_activity, and stock
Languages: Python (22, 22.2%), XML (37, 37.4%), and reStructuredText (40, 40.4%)

Backport activities in stock
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Author: Odoo Community Association (OCA),Tecnativa
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-mig-account_receipt_report
Repository: ForgeFlow/account-payment
Dependencies: account, and web
Languages: HTML (344, 50.7%), PO File (42, 6.2%), Python (115, 16.9%), XML (131, 19.3%), and reStructuredText (47, 6.9%)

Add option to print account payment receipt
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Author: Camptocamp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-1622-11.0.5
Repository: camptocamp/delivery-carrier
Dependencies: account, base, sale, swisslux_building_project, and swisslux_partner
Languages: Python (150, 49.5%), XML (144, 47.5%), and reStructuredText (9, 3.0%)

Company Group for be able to get company discount analysis
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Author: Modoolar, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: lira_workflow_security
Repository: pnajman-modoolar/oca-project-agile
Dependencies: lira, and project_workflow_security
Languages: JavaScript (22, 27.5%), Python (25, 31.2%), XML (9, 11.2%), and reStructuredText (24, 30.0%)

This module extends workflow transitions with security groups
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Author: Camptocamp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-1151-9.46.1
Repository: camptocamp/account-reconcile
Dependencies: report, stock, and stock_batch_picking
Languages: PO File (177, 12.1%), Python (933, 63.6%), and XML (357, 24.3%)

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Author: Jason Ulloa Hernandez, Techmicro Inc, Techmicro International Company S.A., Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: ClearCorp/crlibre-fe-hacienda-cr-odoo
Dependencies: base, cr_electronic_invoice, decimal_precision, and point_of_sale
Languages: CSS (4, 0.5%), JavaScript (74, 8.8%), Python (616, 72.9%), and XML (151, 17.9%)

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Author: OdooMRP team,AvanzOSC,Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: OmniaSolutions/odooAddons
Dependencies: sale, sale_order_dates, and stock
Languages: PO File (439, 65.7%), Python (145, 21.7%), XML (46, 6.9%), and reStructuredText (38, 5.7%)

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Author: ADHOC SA,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-h-57386-pam
Repository: adhoc-dev/odoo-public-administration
Dependencies: account, account_tax_settlement, and public_budget
Languages: PO File (59, 21.1%), Python (140, 50.0%), XML (46, 16.4%), and reStructuredText (35, 12.5%)

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Author: Ecosoft, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0-add-hr_operating_unit_access_all
Repository: ecosoft-odoo/operating-unit
Dependencies: hr_operating_unit
Languages: HTML (341, 83.4%), Python (12, 2.9%), XML (13, 3.2%), and reStructuredText (43, 10.5%)

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