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License: LGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: OCA/OCB
Dependencies: base, crm, sale, sale_management, and sales_team
Languages: PO File (6669, 94.1%), Python (291, 4.1%), and XML (130, 1.8%)

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Author: ForgeFlow S.L., Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: brain-tec/operating-unit
Dependencies: base_view_inheritance_extension, crm_operating_unit, sale_crm, and sale_operating_unit
Languages: HTML (335, 72.4%), Python (90, 19.4%), and reStructuredText (38, 8.2%)

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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: brain-tec/event
Dependencies: crm_event, event_sale_reservation, and sale_crm
Languages: HTML (380, 43.4%), PO File (70, 8.0%), Python (234, 26.7%), XML (102, 11.7%), and reStructuredText (89, 10.2%)

Combine event reservations, opportunities and quotations
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License: LGPL-3
Branch: master-upstream-patch-27122021
Repository: flectra-hq/flectra
Dependencies: gamification, and sale_crm
Languages: PO File (3560, 95.0%), Python (11, 0.3%), and XML (175, 4.7%)

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Author: OpenERP SA
License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: 3dfxmadscientist/openerp-addons
Dependencies: sale_crm, website, and website_sale
Languages: Python (24, 68.6%), and XML (11, 31.4%)

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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: akretion/odoo-usability
Dependencies: sale_crm
Languages: Python (24, 100.0%)

Usability improvements on sale_crm module
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Author: AvanzOSC
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-sale_crm_school
Repository: oihane/sale-addons
Dependencies: contacts_school, crm_school, sale_crm, and sale_school
Languages: PO File (120, 24.8%), Python (235, 48.7%), XML (105, 21.7%), and reStructuredText (23, 4.8%)

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Author: AvanzOSC,
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: adrianrevilla009/sale-addons
Dependencies: crm, and sale_crm
Languages: PO File (46, 29.3%), Python (78, 49.7%), XML (22, 14.0%), and reStructuredText (11, 7.0%)

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Author: Savoir-faire Linux
License: no license
Branch: 7.0_add_stock_sale_crm
Repository: savoirfairelinux/account-invoicing
Dependencies: sale_crm, and stock
Languages: Python (45, 100.0%)

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Author: LasLabs, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: GPL-3
Branch: feature/10.0/SMD-308-website_portal_medical_insurance
Repository: LasLabs/vertical-medical
Dependencies: sale_crm, and sale_medical_prescription
Languages: Python (306, 53.4%), XML (231, 40.3%), and reStructuredText (36, 6.3%)

Create opportunities from prescriptions.
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