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License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: Aldais/odoo
Dependencies: decimal_precision, mrp, and report
Languages: PO File (20436, 94.4%), Python (482, 2.2%), XML (598, 2.8%), and YAML (140, 0.6%)

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Author: OdooMRP team,AvanzOSC,Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza,Antiun Ingeniería,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: a4435351/manufacture
Dependencies: mrp, mrp_operations, mrp_operations_extension, and mrp_project
Languages: PO File (1357, 73.0%), Python (118, 6.3%), SVG (260, 14.0%), XML (75, 4.0%), and reStructuredText (49, 2.6%)

Create task for work orders with operators
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Author: OdooMRP team, AvanzOSC, Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza, Antiun Ingeniería S.L., Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: ajinvn2019/manufacture
Dependencies: decimal_precision, hr_timesheet, mrp, mrp_hook, and mrp_operations
Languages: PO File (19488, 91.2%), Python (822, 3.8%), SVG (149, 0.7%), XML (822, 3.8%), and reStructuredText (94, 0.4%)

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Author: OdooMRP team, AvanzOSC, Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza, Antiun Ingeniería S.L., Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/manufacture
Dependencies: mrp_operations, and mrp_operations_extension
Languages: PO File (4776, 88.5%), Python (113, 2.1%), SVG (310, 5.7%), XML (146, 2.7%), and reStructuredText (49, 0.9%)

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Author: Tecnativa,AvanzOSC,OdooMRP Team,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/manufacture
Dependencies: mrp_operations_extension
Languages: PO File (370, 66.0%), Python (101, 18.0%), XML (40, 7.1%), and reStructuredText (50, 8.9%)

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Author: OdooMRP team,AvanzOSC,Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoomrp-wip
Dependencies: mrp_operations, mrp_operations_extension, and quality_control
Languages: PO File (500, 51.9%), Python (229, 23.8%), XML (224, 23.2%), and reStructuredText (11, 1.1%)

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Author: OpenERP SA
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-addons
Dependencies: decimal_precision, and mrp
Languages: PO File (17816, 93.8%), Python (473, 2.5%), XML (558, 2.9%), and YAML (154, 0.8%)

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Author: Julius Network Solutions
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: AizenL/julius-openobject-addons
Dependencies: mrp, and mrp_operations
Languages: Python (209, 57.9%), and XML (152, 42.1%)

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Author: Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
License: no license
Branch: 7.0-add_serpents_mrp_operation_webkit
Repository: gurneyalex/manufacture-reporting
Dependencies: mrp_operations, and report_webkit
Languages: Mako (99, 48.8%), Python (71, 35.0%), and XML (33, 16.3%)

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Author: OdooMRP team, AvanzOSC,
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoomrp-wip
Dependencies: mrp, mrp_operations, mrp_operations_extension, and mrp_operations_time_control
Languages: PO File (121, 15.9%), Python (327, 42.9%), XML (305, 40.0%), and reStructuredText (10, 1.3%)

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