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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: auth_oauth
Languages: Python (105, 88.2%), and XML (14, 11.8%)

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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: product, report, and stock
Languages: Python (137, 40.3%), XML (190, 55.9%), and reStructuredText (13, 3.8%)

Print Labels on Products
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: account, sale, sale_stock, and stock
Languages: Python (87, 37.3%), XML (139, 59.7%), and reStructuredText (7, 3.0%)

Add Item numbers to Sale Orders, Pickings and Invoices
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: product, and stock
Languages: Python (59, 27.4%), XML (147, 68.4%), and reStructuredText (9, 4.2%)

Provide Markers on Products
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: AizenL/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: base
Languages: Python (596, 62.3%), XML (350, 36.6%), and reStructuredText (10, 1.0%)

Base module for external connections detecting changed models in ODOO
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: base
Languages: Python (30, 75.0%), and reStructuredText (10, 25.0%)

Base module for external connections detecting changed models in ODOO
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: damendieta/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: product, and stock
Languages: Python (136, 68.7%), XML (49, 24.7%), and reStructuredText (13, 6.6%)

Add Top level product group on product
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: need_sync_base, product, and stock
Languages: Python (335, 77.2%), XML (90, 20.7%), and reStructuredText (9, 2.1%)

Product Specific module for seting need sync
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: AizenL/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: base, and need_sync_base
Languages: Python (136, 73.5%), XML (40, 21.6%), and reStructuredText (9, 4.9%)

Partner Specific module for seting need sync
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Author: ICTSTUDIO, André Schenkels
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-extra-addons
Dependencies: base_kanban_stage, and sale
Languages: Python (30, 35.3%), XML (39, 45.9%), and reStructuredText (16, 18.8%)

Add stages to Sale Order Kanban, define your own stages
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