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Author: Akretion,ACSONE SA/NV,Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14-jsonifier
Repository: OCA/search-engine
Dependencies: component, connector, connector_search_engine, jsonifier, and server_environment
Languages: HTML (351, 28.6%), Python (337, 27.4%), XML (55, 4.5%), YAML (425, 34.6%), and reStructuredText (60, 4.9%)

Connector For Algolia Search Engine
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Author: Akretion,ACSONE SA/NV,Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14-jsonifier
Repository: OCA/search-engine
Dependencies: base_sparse_field, component, connector, jsonifier, and server_environment
Languages: HTML (355, 19.0%), Python (1043, 55.9%), XML (387, 20.8%), and reStructuredText (80, 4.3%)

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Author: Akretion,ACSONE SA/NV,Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-backport-from-10.0
Repository: akretion/search-engine
Dependencies: component, and connector_search_engine
Languages: Python (325, 83.8%), and XML (63, 16.2%)

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