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License: LGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: OCA/OCB
Dependencies: account, and web
Languages: PO File (9518, 96.9%), Python (80, 0.8%), and XML (220, 2.2%)

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Author: Dorin Hongu,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: dhongu/l10n-romania
Dependencies: l10n_ro, l10n_ro_stock_account, purchase, and stock_account
Languages: Python (340, 100.0%)

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Author: 1200 Web Development
License: no license
Branch: 9.0
Repository: 1200wd/1200wd_addons
Dependencies: account_test
Languages: HTML (61, 36.3%), Python (21, 12.5%), and XML (86, 51.2%)

Verify tax bookings of customer and supplier invoices
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Author: Didotech SRL
License: AGPL-3
Branch: dependabot/pip/web_client/ea_web-github/werkzeug-2.2.3
Repository: iw3hxn/LibrERP
Dependencies: account, account_bank, and l10n_it_account
Languages: Python (32, 62.7%), and XML (19, 37.3%)

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Author: Alejandro Sanchez,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: GPL-3
Branch: 7.0
Repository: aacceess75/l10n-spain
Dependencies: account
Languages: Ant (5, 0.1%), CSS (62, 1.6%), Java (482, 12.3%), PO File (792, 20.3%), Python (433, 11.1%), XML (1357, 34.7%), and XSLT (775, 19.8%)

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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: Dobtor-ingadhoc/odoo-support
Dependencies: web, and web_environment_ribbon
Languages: PO File (15, 12.8%), Python (59, 50.4%), and reStructuredText (43, 36.8%)

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Author: Mollie & BeOpen
License: no license
Branch: 12.0
Repository: mgielissen/mollie-odoo
Dependencies: base, payment, sale, sale_stock, web, website, and website_sale
Languages: CSS (65, 1.6%), HTML (54, 1.3%), INI (4, 0.1%), JavaScript (326, 8.0%), Markdown (15, 0.4%), PO File (1907, 46.6%), Python (932, 22.8%), and XML (789, 19.3%)

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Author: Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: v11-3582-merge-all-pending
Repository: camptocamp/website-cms
Dependencies: base, cms_form, and portal
Languages: Python (298, 87.4%), XML (9, 2.6%), and reStructuredText (34, 10.0%)

CMS replacement for user's account form.
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Author: Vauxoo
License: no license
Branch: 7.0-MP233814
Repository: vauxoo-dev/odoo-venezuela
Dependencies: account, account_accountant, account_analytic_analysis, account_analytic_default, account_anglo_saxon, account_asset, account_bank_statement_extensions, account_budget, account_cancel, account_chart, account_check_writing, account_followup, account_payment, account_report_company, account_sequence, account_test, account_voucher, analytic, analytic_contract_hr_expense, analytic_user_function, anonymization, association, audittrail, auth_crypt, auth_oauth, auth_oauth_signup, auth_openid, auth_signup, base_action_rule, base_calendar, base_gengo, base_iban, base_import, base_report_designer, base_setup, base_status, base_vat, board, claim_from_delivery, contacts, crm, crm_claim, crm_helpdesk, crm_partner_assign, crm_profiling, crm_todo, decimal_precision, delivery, document, document_page, document_webdav, edi, email_template, event, event_moodle, event_sale, fetchmail, fleet, google_base_account, google_docs, hr, hr_attendance, hr_contract, hr_evaluation, hr_expense, hr_holidays, hr_payroll, hr_payroll_account, hr_recruitment, hr_timesheet, hr_timesheet_invoice, hr_timesheet_sheet, idea, knowledge, l10n_ar, l10n_at, l10n_be, l10n_be_coda, l10n_be_hr_payroll, l10n_be_hr_payroll_account, l10n_be_invoice_bba, l10n_bo, l10n_br, l10n_ca, l10n_ch, l10n_cl, l10n_cn, l10n_co, l10n_cr, l10n_de, l10n_ec, l10n_es, l10n_et, l10n_fr, l10n_fr_hr_payroll, l10n_fr_rib, l10n_gr, l10n_gt, l10n_hn, l10n_hr, l10n_in, l10n_in_hr_payroll, l10n_it, l10n_lu, l10n_ma, l10n_multilang, l10n_mx, l10n_nl, l10n_pa, l10n_pe, l10n_pl, l10n_pt, l10n_ro, l10n_si, l10n_syscohada, l10n_th, l10n_tr, l10n_uk, l10n_us, l10n_uy, l10n_ve, l10n_vn, lunch, mail, marketing, marketing_campaign, marketing_campaign_crm_demo, membership, mrp, mrp_byproduct, mrp_jit, mrp_operations, mrp_repair, multi_company, note, note_pad, ovl, pad, pad_project, plugin, plugin_outlook, plugin_thunderbird, point_of_sale, portal, portal_anonymous, portal_claim, portal_crm, portal_event, portal_hr_employees, portal_project, portal_project_issue, portal_project_long_term, portal_sale, portal_stock, process, procurement, product, product_expiry, product_manufacturer, product_margin, product_visible_discount, project, project_gtd, project_issue, project_issue_sheet, project_long_term, project_mrp, project_timesheet, purchase, purchase_double_validation, purchase_requisition, report_intrastat, report_webkit, resource, sale, sale_crm, sale_journal, sale_margin, sale_mrp, sale_order_dates, sale_stock, share, stock, stock_invoice_directly, stock_no_autopicking, subscription, survey, warning, web_analytics, web_linkedin, and web_shortcuts
Languages: Python (210, 100.0%)

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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-abi_master
Repository: acsone/payment-gateway
Dependencies: component, and payment_gateway
Languages: Python (449, 33.5%), XML (12, 0.9%), YAML (837, 62.5%), and reStructuredText (41, 3.1%)

Adyen Payment Gateway alternative for odoo
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