Author: | OdooMRP team,AvanzOSC,Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza |
License: | no license |
Branch: | purchase_product_menu |
Repository: | Daniel-CA/odoomrp-utils |
Dependencies: | base, delivery, and sale |
Languages: | PO File (85, 42.7%), Python (67, 33.7%), XML (41, 20.6%), and reStructuredText (6, 3.0%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0-mig_sale_partner_company |
Repository: | alfredoavanzosc/sale-addons |
Dependencies: | account_headquarter, contract, and sale_order_line_contract |
Languages: | PO File (24, 12.8%), Python (100, 53.5%), XML (43, 23.0%), and reStructuredText (20, 10.7%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | event-event_track_task_code |
Repository: | alfredoavanzosc/event-wip |
Dependencies: | event_registration_analytic, and hr_contract_stages |
Languages: | PO File (20, 11.2%), Python (148, 82.7%), and reStructuredText (11, 6.1%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | odoo-addons12-stock_move_line_start_stop_button |
Repository: | alfredoavanzosc/odoo-addons |
Dependencies: | account, and product |
Languages: | Python (53, 43.1%), XML (46, 37.4%), and reStructuredText (24, 19.5%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | mrp-addons12-mrp_product_template_lineal |
Repository: | alfredoavanzosc/mrp-addons |
Dependencies: | base, decimal_precision, product, and product_variant_custom |
Languages: | PO File (40, 19.9%), Python (104, 51.7%), and XML (57, 28.4%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | account_invoice_student_field |
Repository: | adrianrevilla009/odoo-addons |
Dependencies: | purchase_stock, sale_stock, and stock |
Languages: | PO File (24, 10.6%), Python (155, 68.6%), and XML (47, 20.8%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 8.0 |
Repository: | agaldona/event-wip |
Dependencies: | event_calendar_holiday, and sale_order_create_event_hour |
Languages: | PO File (12, 19.0%), Python (21, 33.3%), XML (15, 23.8%), and reStructuredText (15, 23.8%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC, |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 12.0 |
Repository: | Daniel-CA/mrp-addons |
Dependencies: | mrp, mrp_analytic, mrp_scheduled_products, and purchase |
Languages: | PO File (70, 13.4%), Python (284, 54.5%), and XML (167, 32.1%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 8.0 |
Repository: | adrianrevilla009/odoo-addons |
Dependencies: | decimal_precision, product, and stock |
Languages: | PO File (55, 22.1%), Python (130, 52.2%), XML (52, 20.9%), and reStructuredText (12, 4.8%) |
Author: | AvanzOSC |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | mrp_supplier_price |
Repository: | mikelarre/odoo-addons |
Dependencies: | product |
Languages: | PO File (21, 26.2%), Python (27, 33.8%), XML (20, 25.0%), and reStructuredText (12, 15.0%) |