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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10-purchase_task
Repository: akretion/ak-odoo-incubator
Dependencies: mrp_subcontract_location, and purchase
Languages: Python (70, 55.6%), XML (34, 27.0%), and reStructuredText (22, 17.5%)

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Author: OdooMRP team, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-mig-quality_control
Repository: ecosoft-odoo/manufacture
Dependencies: product
Languages: HTML (381, 1.4%), PO File (25291, 91.8%), Python (835, 3.0%), SVG (202, 0.7%), XML (744, 2.7%), and reStructuredText (93, 0.3%)

Generic infrastructure for quality tests.
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Author: PPTS [India] Pvt.Ltd.
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: ppts-odoo/odoo-oca
Dependencies: decimal_precision, mrp_bom_location, and web
Languages: HTML (117, 15.3%), Python (403, 52.7%), SVG (5, 0.7%), XML (191, 25.0%), and reStructuredText (49, 6.4%)

By Using this module PDF report will be Generated With Multi BOMS and show the stock available in the Multi source location for multiple product variants in two ways.Multi level BOM and Top level BOM.
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Author: Elico Corp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: 554513154/odoo-addons
Dependencies: account, mrp, and report_xls
Languages: PO File (157, 22.1%), Python (404, 56.7%), XML (129, 18.1%), and reStructuredText (22, 3.1%)

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Author: Open For Small Business Ltd
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: erick-alvino/odoonz-addons
Dependencies: purchase, and sale
Languages: Python (67, 56.8%), XML (16, 13.6%), and reStructuredText (35, 29.7%)

View MTO purchases from sales order
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Author: Vauxoo
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0-standardize-odoo-venezuela-pr1-dev-moylop260
Repository: vauxoo-dev/odoo-venezuela
Dependencies: account, account_accountant, account_analytic_analysis, account_analytic_default, account_anglo_saxon, account_asset, account_bank_statement_extensions, account_budget, account_cancel, account_chart, account_check_writing, account_payment, account_report_company, account_sequence, account_test, account_voucher, analytic, analytic_contract_hr_expense, analytic_user_function, anonymization, association, audittrail, auth_crypt, auth_oauth, auth_oauth_signup, auth_openid, auth_signup, base_action_rule, base_calendar, base_gengo, base_iban, base_import, base_report_designer, base_setup, base_status, base_vat, board, claim_from_delivery, contacts, crm, crm_claim, crm_helpdesk, crm_profiling, crm_todo, decimal_precision, delivery, document, document_page, document_webdav, edi, email_template, event, event_moodle, event_sale, fetchmail, fleet, google_base_account, google_docs, hr, hr_attendance, hr_contract, hr_evaluation, hr_expense, hr_holidays, hr_payroll, hr_payroll_account, hr_recruitment, hr_timesheet, hr_timesheet_invoice, hr_timesheet_sheet, idea, knowledge, l10n_ar, l10n_at, l10n_be, l10n_be_coda, l10n_be_hr_payroll, l10n_be_hr_payroll_account, l10n_be_invoice_bba, l10n_bo, l10n_br, l10n_ca, l10n_ch, l10n_cl, l10n_cn, l10n_co, l10n_cr, l10n_de, l10n_ec, l10n_es, l10n_et, l10n_fr, l10n_fr_hr_payroll, l10n_fr_rib, l10n_gr, l10n_gt, l10n_hn, l10n_hr, l10n_in, l10n_in_hr_payroll, l10n_it, l10n_lu, l10n_ma, l10n_multilang, l10n_mx, l10n_nl, l10n_pa, l10n_pe, l10n_pl, l10n_pt, l10n_ro, l10n_si, l10n_syscohada, l10n_th, l10n_tr, l10n_uk, l10n_us, l10n_uy, l10n_ve, l10n_vn, lunch, mail, marketing, marketing_campaign, marketing_campaign_crm_demo, membership, mrp, mrp_byproduct, mrp_jit, mrp_operations, mrp_repair, multi_company, note, note_pad, ovl, pad, pad_project, plugin, plugin_outlook, plugin_thunderbird, point_of_sale, portal, portal_anonymous, portal_claim, portal_crm, portal_event, portal_hr_employees, portal_project, portal_project_issue, portal_project_long_term, portal_sale, portal_stock, process, procurement, product, product_expiry, product_manufacturer, product_margin, product_visible_discount, project, project_gtd, project_issue, project_issue_sheet, project_long_term, project_mrp, project_timesheet, purchase, purchase_double_validation, purchase_requisition, report_intrastat, report_webkit, resource, sale, sale_crm, sale_journal, sale_margin, sale_mrp, sale_order_dates, sale_stock, share, stock, stock_invoice_directly, stock_no_autopicking, subscription, survey, warning, web_analytics, web_linkedin, and web_shortcuts
Languages: Python (206, 97.2%), and reStructuredText (6, 2.8%)

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Author: Camptocamp SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-2082-10.29.0
Repository: camptocamp/odoo-apps
Dependencies: base, sale, sf_rma, sf_rma_mrp_repair, and sf_sale
Languages: Python (139, 61.0%), XML (81, 35.5%), and reStructuredText (8, 3.5%)

RMA Sale order related customizations
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Author: Camptocamp SA
License: GPL-3 or any later version
Branch: merge-branch-1900-10.1.1
Repository: camptocamp/account-financial-tools
Dependencies: account, hr_expense, hr_timesheet, mrp, purchase, sale, sales_team, and stock
Languages: Python (23, 67.6%), XML (7, 20.6%), and reStructuredText (4, 11.8%)

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License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: 001101/app-odoo
Languages: CSS (8, 0.7%), HTML (102, 9.0%), JavaScript (171, 15.0%), Markdown (38, 3.3%), PO File (164, 14.4%), Python (467, 41.1%), and XML (187, 16.4%)

Quick customize and debranding your own Odoo. Quick debug, Language Switcher, Online Documentation Access,Delete test data.
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Author: Elico Corp
License: no license
Branch: 10699-move-all-incubator-modules-of-elico8-to-public-github-product_manager
Repository: Rona111/odoo-1
Dependencies: mrp, and purchase
Languages: Python (17, 32.7%), XML (9, 17.3%), and reStructuredText (26, 50.0%)

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