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Author: Akretion,Camptocamp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13-shopinvader_sale_profile
Repository: camptocamp/odoo-shopinvader
Dependencies: component, connector, shopinvader_locomotive, and shopinvader_sale_profile
Languages: HTML (336, 70.3%), Python (102, 21.3%), and reStructuredText (40, 8.4%)

Synchronize the sale profile info to customer record on Locomotive
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Author: Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13-shopinvader_sale_packaging
Repository: camptocamp/odoo-shopinvader
Dependencies: component, sale_product_set_packaging_qty, shopinvader_sale_packaging, and shopinvader_wishlist
Languages: HTML (334, 60.9%), Python (178, 32.5%), and reStructuredText (36, 6.6%)

Add packaging information to wishlists
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Author: FactorLibre
License: AGPL-3
Branch: delivery_carrier_extensions
Repository: zahravelasco/delivery-carrier
Dependencies: base_delivery_carrier_label, and delivery
Languages: PO File (31, 25.4%), Python (47, 38.5%), XML (20, 16.4%), and reStructuredText (24, 19.7%)

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Author: Eficent Business and IT Consulting Services S.L.
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-dev-green
Repository: ajinvn2019/eficent-odoo-addons
Dependencies: product
Languages: Python (26, 22.6%), XML (55, 47.8%), and reStructuredText (34, 29.6%)

Allows to to define if a Supplier Pricelist is editable
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Author: Onestein, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11_add_account_invoice_discount_formula
Repository: espo-tony/account-invoicing
Dependencies: account
Languages: Python (133, 72.3%), and XML (51, 27.7%)

Express discounts on Invoice lines as mathematical formula
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Author: AvanzOSC
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: adrianrevilla009/odoo-addons
Dependencies: account, maintenance, and stock
Languages: PO File (48, 26.7%), Python (50, 27.8%), XML (60, 33.3%), and reStructuredText (22, 12.2%)

Equipment with extra info
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Author: Open Source Integrators, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: fix-order-template
Repository: brian10048/field-service
Dependencies: agreement, and fieldservice
Languages: HTML (363, 66.0%), Python (46, 8.4%), XML (70, 12.7%), and reStructuredText (71, 12.9%)

Manage FSM Equipment Agreements
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License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: 001101/app-odoo
Dependencies: app_procurement_for_subcontract_service, and sale_stock
Languages: PO File (27, 16.2%), Python (92, 55.1%), and reStructuredText (48, 28.7%)

Sale for Subcontracted service(委外采购的销售整合)
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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-PR-purchase_requisition_grouped_mto
Repository: Tecnativa/purchase-workflow
Dependencies: product, and purchase_requisition
Languages: PO File (24, 11.8%), Python (155, 76.4%), and XML (24, 11.8%)

Group more than one sale order to a purchase requisition
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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-t-9744-vd
Repository: jobiols/adhoc-stock
Dependencies: stock, stock_batch_picking, stock_usability, and stock_voucher
Languages: PO File (158, 30.1%), Python (201, 38.3%), XML (128, 24.4%), and reStructuredText (38, 7.2%)

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