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Author: Akretion, NaN·tic,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 6.1
Repository: aaltinisik/stock-logistics-workflow
Dependencies: stock
Languages: PO File (256, 32.3%), Python (304, 38.3%), and XML (233, 29.4%)

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Author: OpenERP SA and Grzegorz Grzelak (Cirrus)
License: no license
Branch: 6.0
Repository: 3dfxmadscientist/openerp-addons
Dependencies: hr, sale, and stock
Languages: PO File (25660, 94.4%), Python (949, 3.5%), XML (435, 1.6%), and YAML (150, 0.6%)

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Author: AvanzOSC, Tecnativa, ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: aaltinisik/product-variant
Dependencies: product, product_variant_configurator, and purchase
Languages: PO File (193, 36.8%), Python (254, 48.4%), XML (54, 10.3%), and reStructuredText (24, 4.6%)

Product variants in purchase management
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Author: Agile Business Group,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: 1000camels/sale-workflow
Dependencies: mrp, and sale_mrp
Languages: PO File (4113, 94.6%), Python (68, 1.6%), XML (118, 2.7%), YAML (11, 0.3%), and reStructuredText (36, 0.8%)

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Author: OdooMRP team, AvanzOSC, Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-bai-fix-stock_request_direction-incompatibility-with-click-odoo-update
Repository: acsone/stock-logistics-warehouse
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (337, 25.4%), PO File (803, 60.4%), Python (130, 9.8%), and XML (59, 4.4%)

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Author: OdooMRP team,AvanzOSC,Tecnativa
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: 554513154/purchase-workflow
Dependencies: purchase
Languages: HTML (349, 66.0%), PO File (90, 17.0%), Python (26, 4.9%), XML (13, 2.5%), and reStructuredText (51, 9.6%)

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Author: Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: no license
Branch: 10.0
Repository: aacceess75/sale-workflow
Dependencies: procurement
Languages: Python (28, 45.2%), XML (10, 16.1%), and YAML (24, 38.7%)

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License: LGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: leodoooca/app-odoo
Dependencies: mrp
Languages: HTML (67, 57.3%), PO File (12, 10.3%), and Python (38, 32.5%)

Normal APS. mrp plan, mrp planning. manufacture plan, producing plan. Odoo App of
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Author: Open For Small Business Ltd
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-wip
Repository: odoonz/odoonz-addons
Dependencies: account, and base
Languages: Python (48, 60.8%), and reStructuredText (31, 39.2%)

Helper methods and functional fields for easier report generation
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Author: ADHOC SA,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-15.0-h-29028-pam-60Ia-fw
Repository: adhoc-dev/odoo-public-administration
Dependencies: account, account_accountant, account_accountant_ux, account_asset, account_payment_group, account_statement_aeroo_report, account_ux, base, calendar, contacts, hr, hr_holidays, hr_holidays_public, l10n_ar, l10n_ar_account_withholding, l10n_ar_edi, l10n_ar_ux, l10n_latam_check, portal, portal_backend, report_aeroo, sales_team, and web_ir_actions_act_multi
Languages: PO File (3998, 29.4%), Python (4999, 36.8%), XML (4537, 33.4%), and reStructuredText (63, 0.5%)

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