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Author: Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0
Repository: 0yik/ak-odoo-incubator
Dependencies: base, and purchase
Languages: PO File (29, 17.6%), Python (108, 65.5%), and XML (28, 17.0%)

Re-calculate purchase line date planned on purchase validation
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: no license
Branch: 8-project_issue_reference
Repository: akretion/project
Dependencies: project_issue
Languages: PO File (24, 13.9%), Python (95, 54.9%), XML (20, 11.6%), and reStructuredText (34, 19.7%)

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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-sale_order_line_invoice
Repository: akretion/sale-workflow
Dependencies: sale
Languages: HTML (341, 66.9%), Python (95, 18.6%), XML (37, 7.3%), and reStructuredText (37, 7.3%)

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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8-attr_imp_hlp
Repository: akretion/product-attribute
Dependencies: product
Languages: Python (84, 73.7%), and reStructuredText (30, 26.3%)

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Author: FactorLibre,Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-intrastat_product
Repository: factorlibre/l10n-spain
Dependencies: account, decimal_precision, intrastat_base, intrastat_product, product, purchase, sale_stock, and stock
Languages: PO File (710, 30.4%), Python (1039, 44.4%), XML (563, 24.1%), and reStructuredText (26, 1.1%)

Genera archivo para presentar las declaraciones Intrastat
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Author: Akretion,Camptocamp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: mdietrichc2c/account-financial-tools
Dependencies: account
Languages: PO File (283, 50.4%), Python (187, 33.3%), and XML (92, 16.4%)

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Author: Commown SCIC SAS, Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12-add-website_sale_affiliate_product_restriction
Repository: akretion/e-commerce
Dependencies: website_sale_affiliate
Languages: Python (142, 91.0%), and XML (14, 9.0%)

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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 8-picking-type-tranfer-location-restriction
Repository: akretion/ak-odoo-incubator
Dependencies: stock
Languages: Python (130, 85.5%), XML (21, 13.8%), and reStructuredText (1, 0.7%)

Prevent some location src/dest couples for picking types
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-shopinvader_sale_coupon_deferred_coupon_dedup
Repository: akretion/odoo-shopinvader
Dependencies: component, sale_coupon_deferred_coupon_dedup, and shopinvader_sale_coupon
Languages: HTML (337, 84.0%), Python (27, 6.7%), and reStructuredText (37, 9.2%)

Merge all possible coupons (applied and unconfirmed) in applied_coupon_ids API items.
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