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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA), LinkIt Srl
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-ddt
Repository: zeroincombenze/l10n-italy
Dependencies: account, account_accountant, account_tax_balance, base_setup, date_range, l10n_it_account, l10n_it_ade, and report
Languages: CSS (59, 0.5%), HTML (85, 0.7%), PO File (10294, 89.0%), Python (475, 4.1%), XML (480, 4.2%), and reStructuredText (172, 1.5%)

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Author: GRAP
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: coopiteasy/grap-odoo-incubator
Dependencies: point_of_sale, and web
Languages: CSS (42, 7.0%), JavaScript (209, 34.9%), PO File (71, 11.9%), Python (104, 17.4%), XML (96, 16.0%), and reStructuredText (77, 12.9%)

Point Of Sale - Load Done Orders
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Author: GRAP
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: coopiteasy/grap-odoo-incubator
Dependencies: purchase, and simple_tax_account
Languages: PO File (22, 9.6%), Python (126, 55.3%), XML (43, 18.9%), and reStructuredText (37, 16.2%)

Switch between VAT Excluded and VAT Included For Purchase
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Author: Cristian González Ruz
License: OEEL-1
Branch: 12.0
Repository: OSevangelist/vsf-odoo
Dependencies: base, vue_storefront, and web
Languages: HTML (10, 0.4%), Markdown (95, 3.4%), Python (2622, 93.7%), and XML (70, 2.5%)

API for eCommerce PWA
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Author: Naglis Jonaitis
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: crtmneric/misc-addons-1
Dependencies: web
Languages: HTML (394, 84.4%), Python (62, 13.3%), and reStructuredText (11, 2.4%)

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Author: Naglis Jonaitis
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: crtmneric/misc-addons-1
Dependencies: payment_paysera, website, and website_payment
Languages: PO File (20, 19.6%), Python (42, 41.2%), XML (27, 26.5%), and reStructuredText (13, 12.7%)

Verify ownership of your site with Paysera.
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Author: Vertel AB
License: no license
Branch: master10
Repository: vertelab/odoo-pos
Dependencies: l10n_se, point_of_sale, and report
Languages: JavaScript (67, 11.0%), Python (257, 42.1%), and XML (287, 47.0%)

Sends transactions to a FCU
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Author: Xavier Brochard,
License: LGPL-3
Branch: web_editor_plugins
Repository: Albin-John/odoo-seo
Dependencies: web_editor
Languages: JavaScript (26, 44.1%), Markdown (8, 13.6%), Python (17, 28.8%), and XML (8, 13.6%)

Enable all defaults options in website editor (more icons).
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Author: AbAKUS it-solutions SARL, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: GPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: abakus-it/partner-contact
Dependencies: base
Languages: Python (56, 77.8%), and reStructuredText (16, 22.2%)

Generate an automatic reference code
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Author: TKO
License: AGPL-3
Branch: add_README_md
Repository: anhvu-sg/tko-addons
Dependencies: base, and mail
Languages: Python (75, 100.0%)

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