Author: | Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0-mig-account_banking_sepa_credit_transfer |
Repository: | acsone/bank-payment |
Dependencies: | account |
Languages: | HTML (344, 7.3%), PO File (3682, 78.1%), Python (332, 7.0%), XML (307, 6.5%), and reStructuredText (49, 1.0%) |
Author: | Giovanni Serra -, Ooops, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | LGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0-cancelled |
Repository: | akretion/queue |
Dependencies: | queue_job |
Languages: | HTML (332, 86.0%), Python (20, 5.2%), and reStructuredText (34, 8.8%) |
Author: | Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0 |
Repository: | aaltinisik/partner-contact |
Dependencies: | base |
Languages: | HTML (357, 25.1%), PO File (898, 63.2%), Python (59, 4.1%), XML (39, 2.7%), and reStructuredText (69, 4.9%) |
Author: | Akretion,ACSONE SA/NV,Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0-mig-connector_search_engine |
Repository: | akretion/search-engine |
Dependencies: | component, connector, connector_search_engine, jsonifier, and server_environment |
Languages: | HTML (351, 28.6%), Python (337, 27.4%), XML (55, 4.5%), YAML (425, 34.6%), and reStructuredText (60, 4.9%) |
Author: | GARCO Consulting, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0-add-rest_api |
Repository: | akretion/helpdesk |
Dependencies: | base, helpdesk_mgmt, and resource |
Languages: | HTML (361, 47.1%), PO File (74, 9.7%), Python (122, 15.9%), XML (150, 19.6%), and reStructuredText (59, 7.7%) |
Author: | ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | acsone/contract |
Dependencies: | contract_sale_generation, and sale |
Languages: | HTML (332, 74.3%), Python (67, 15.0%), XML (13, 2.9%), and reStructuredText (35, 7.8%) |
Author: | Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | acsone/sale-workflow |
Dependencies: | sale, and sale_management |
Languages: | HTML (344, 70.1%), PO File (34, 6.9%), Python (51, 10.4%), XML (15, 3.1%), and reStructuredText (47, 9.6%) |
Author: | Akretion, Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | acsone/edi |
Dependencies: | base_business_document_import, onchange_helper, pdf_helper, and sale_commercial_partner |
Languages: | HTML (353, 20.9%), PO File (367, 21.7%), Python (812, 48.0%), XML (103, 6.1%), and reStructuredText (58, 3.4%) |
Author: | Vauxoo, ForgeFlow, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.,Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | OCA/payroll |
Dependencies: | payroll, and payroll_account |
Languages: | HTML (353, 50.1%), PO File (96, 13.6%), Python (169, 24.0%), XML (19, 2.7%), and reStructuredText (67, 9.5%) |
Author: | Camptocamp, ACSONE, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0-add-stock_warehouse_flow |
Repository: | camptocamp/wms |
Dependencies: | base_rest, component, shopfloor_base, shopfloor_mobile_base, shopfloor_mobile_base_auth_api_key, and shopfloor_mobile_base_auth_user |
Languages: | HTML (358, 33.2%), JavaScript (207, 19.2%), PO File (70, 6.5%), Python (306, 28.4%), XML (83, 7.7%), and reStructuredText (54, 5.0%) |