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Author: Onestein
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: junusd/addons-onestein
Dependencies: analytic, and project
Languages: Python (150, 91.5%), and reStructuredText (14, 8.5%)

Sync Followers of Analytic Account and Project
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Author: Vauxoo
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0
Repository: 111sree/addons-vauxoo
Dependencies: fetchmail, and project_issue
Languages: PO File (28, 28.0%), Python (26, 26.0%), and XML (46, 46.0%)

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Author: Openforce di Camilli Alessandro, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-l10n_it_central_journal_reportlab
Repository: Borruso/l10n-italy
Dependencies: account_vat_period_end_statement, l10n_it_codici_carica, and l10n_it_fiscalcode
Languages: HTML (347, 14.8%), PO File (337, 14.4%), Python (614, 26.2%), XML (270, 11.5%), XSD (725, 30.9%), and reStructuredText (51, 2.2%)

Comunicazione liquidazione IVA ed esportazione file xmlconforme alle specifiche dell'Agenzia delle Entrate
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Author: Openforce di Camilli Alessandro, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-l10n_it_central_journal_reportlab
Repository: Borruso/l10n-italy
Dependencies: account, base, l10n_it_account, l10n_it_account_tax_kind, l10n_it_codici_carica, l10n_it_esigibilita_iva, l10n_it_fiscal_document_type, and l10n_it_fiscalcode
Languages: HTML (369, 8.9%), PO File (657, 15.8%), Python (2351, 56.6%), XML (702, 16.9%), and reStructuredText (73, 1.8%)

Comunicazione dati fatture (c.d. "nuovo spesometro" o "esterometro")
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Author: Smile
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0
Repository: Smile-SA/odoo_addons
Dependencies: base, contacts, and sales_team
Languages: HTML (343, 35.7%), PO File (105, 10.9%), Python (250, 26.0%), XML (229, 23.9%), and reStructuredText (33, 3.4%)

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Author: Numigi
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0_dev
Repository: ERPLibre/odoo-entertainment-addons
Dependencies: show_project, and show_project_role
Languages: PO File (97, 17.4%), Python (270, 48.5%), XML (162, 29.1%), and reStructuredText (28, 5.0%)

Add perdiems on shows
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Author: Numigi
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0_dev
Repository: ERPLibre/odoo-entertainment-addons
Dependencies: show_project
Languages: PO File (40, 24.0%), Python (42, 25.1%), XML (66, 39.5%), and reStructuredText (19, 11.4%)

Add new object Show Appearance Type and new field Appearance Type on Project
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Author: Smile
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: anhvu-sg/odoo_addons
Dependencies: base, and decimal_precision
Languages: HTML (395, 26.6%), PO File (153, 10.3%), Python (686, 46.1%), XML (191, 12.8%), and reStructuredText (62, 4.2%)

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Author: Camptocamp,Sodexis,Hucke Media GmbH & Co. KG/IFE GmbH,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: Hamza-Talibi/sale-workflow
Dependencies: account_payment_mode, account_payment_sale, and sale_automatic_workflow
Languages: PO File (726, 72.9%), Python (152, 15.3%), XML (82, 8.2%), and reStructuredText (36, 3.6%)

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Author: Camptocamp SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: acsone/odoo-shopinvader
Dependencies: product_expiry, and shopinvader_product_stock_forecast
Languages: HTML (347, 55.3%), Python (219, 34.9%), XML (15, 2.4%), and reStructuredText (47, 7.5%)

Integrates product lot expiration into the forecast
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