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Author: Camptocamp, Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0
Repository: acsone/stock-logistics-workflow
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (360, 17.2%), PO File (1205, 57.5%), Python (292, 13.9%), XML (169, 8.1%), and reStructuredText (68, 3.2%)

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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: 10537/stock-logistics-reporting
Dependencies: report, and stock
Languages: Python (14, 23.0%), XML (25, 41.0%), and reStructuredText (22, 36.1%)

Adds report for stock picking in partner language
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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/account-payment
Dependencies: account, account_voucher, and decimal_precision
Languages: PO File (1545, 83.4%), Python (214, 11.5%), XML (62, 3.3%), and reStructuredText (32, 1.7%)

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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: aaltinisik/product-variant
Dependencies: stock
Languages: PO File (476, 76.9%), Python (116, 18.7%), and reStructuredText (27, 4.4%)

Customer Lead Time in product level
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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-14941-Mig_corrispettivi
Repository: alessandrocamilli/l10n-italy
Dependencies: l10n_it_delivery_note, and product_supplierinfo_for_customer_picking
Languages: HTML (336, 76.9%), Python (30, 6.9%), XML (26, 5.9%), and reStructuredText (45, 10.3%)

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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: aaltinisik/product-variant
Dependencies: product, and stock
Languages: PO File (391, 69.7%), Python (122, 21.7%), XML (19, 3.4%), and reStructuredText (29, 5.2%)

Data template in product level
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Author: Innoviu, Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0
Repository: 001101/server-tools
Dependencies: fetchmail, and mail
Languages: Python (140, 89.7%), and XML (16, 10.3%)

Fetchmail by date and unseen messages
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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-13226-FE_imposta_riga_note
Repository: alessandrocamilli/l10n-italy
Dependencies: l10n_it_split_payment, and l10n_it_vat_registries
Languages: HTML (335, 56.4%), PO File (19, 3.2%), Python (197, 33.2%), and reStructuredText (43, 7.2%)

Modulo di congiunzione tra registri IVA e scissione dei pagamenti
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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: aaltinisik/product-variant
Dependencies: point_of_sale
Languages: HTML (335, 34.5%), PO File (495, 50.9%), Python (103, 10.6%), and reStructuredText (39, 4.0%)

Available In Pos in product level
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Author: Agile Business Group, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: aaltinisik/e-commerce
Dependencies: decimal_precision, payment, website, and website_sale
Languages: HTML (336, 52.7%), JavaScript (16, 2.5%), PO File (49, 7.7%), Python (105, 16.5%), XML (92, 14.4%), and reStructuredText (39, 6.1%)

Payment fee charged to customer
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