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Author: Camptocamp SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-2082-10.24.0
Repository: camptocamp/odoo-apps
Dependencies: base, sale, sf_rma, and sf_rma_mrp_repair
Languages: Python (137, 61.4%), XML (78, 35.0%), and reStructuredText (8, 3.6%)

RMA Sale order related customizations
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-sale_due_date_policy
Repository: akretion/sale-workflow
Dependencies: account, sale, and sale_management
Languages: Python (79, 65.8%), XML (26, 21.7%), and reStructuredText (15, 12.5%)

Change qty delivered on a date
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-ADD-project_duplicated_task
Repository: akretion/project
Dependencies: project
Languages: PO File (43, 14.5%), Python (177, 59.8%), and XML (76, 25.7%)

Allow to close a task and categorize it as a duplicate.
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Author: ForgeFlow, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-add_l10n_us_account_routing
Repository: ForgeFlow/l10n-usa
Dependencies: base
Languages: Python (93, 86.1%), XML (13, 12.0%), and reStructuredText (2, 1.9%)

Add the routing numbers to the banks
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12-base-multi_warehouse
Repository: akretion/stock-logistics-warehouse
Dependencies: base, and stock
Languages: Python (26, 53.1%), and XML (23, 46.9%)

Add warehouse on user and switch between allowed warehouses
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Author: Open Source Integrators, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: trevi-software/osi-addons
Dependencies: helpdesk, helpdesk_timesheet, and project
Languages: Python (76, 50.3%), XML (60, 39.7%), and reStructuredText (15, 9.9%)

Tickets to multiple tasks relationships
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Author: Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: v_14_migration
Repository: leemannd/odoo-cloud-platform
Dependencies: base, and base_fileurl_field
Languages: Python (124, 74.3%), XML (40, 24.0%), and reStructuredText (3, 1.8%)

A module to verify fileurl field.
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Author: Escodoo,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-repair_timeline_view
Repository: Escodoo/manufacture
Dependencies: repair, repair_calendar_view, and web_timeline
Languages: HTML (330, 78.0%), PO File (16, 3.8%), Python (16, 3.8%), XML (28, 6.6%), and reStructuredText (33, 7.8%)

Add timeline view
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Author: Odoo SA, MONK Software, Antiun Ingeniería S.L., Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-fix-monksoftware-website
Repository: monksoftware/website
Dependencies: auth_signup, and website
Languages: JavaScript (14, 0.5%), LESS (18, 0.6%), PO File (2646, 88.6%), Python (122, 4.1%), XML (157, 5.3%), and reStructuredText (28, 0.9%)

Account Management Frontend for your Customers
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Author: ABF OSIELL, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-mass_reporting
Repository: osiell/reporting-engine
Dependencies: connector, and mail
Languages: Python (456, 64.6%), XML (189, 26.8%), and reStructuredText (61, 8.6%)

Generate a large volume of reports.
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