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Author: Benjamin Brich, Thore Baden, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-add-donation-inkind
Repository: tbaden/donation
Dependencies: donation, and stock
Languages: HTML (371, 43.3%), Python (342, 39.9%), XML (68, 7.9%), and reStructuredText (76, 8.9%)

Module to manage physical inkind donations
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Author: Therp BV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-mail_reference
Repository: daramousk/social
Dependencies: mail, web, web_editor, and web_tour
Languages: HTML (369, 50.5%), JavaScript (87, 11.9%), Python (137, 18.7%), XML (64, 8.8%), and reStructuredText (74, 10.1%)

Set your own delimiters on the Chatter.
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Author: Jarsa Sistemas, S.A. de C.V., Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-kardex-report-picking
Repository: Jarsa-dev/stock-logistics-reporting
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (342, 47.4%), PO File (76, 10.5%), Python (139, 19.3%), XML (90, 12.5%), and reStructuredText (75, 10.4%)

Generate Kardex Report
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Author: GRAP
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: odoo-cae/odoo-addons-multi-company
Dependencies: base
Languages: PO File (27, 9.9%), Python (95, 34.7%), XML (107, 39.1%), and reStructuredText (45, 16.4%)

Handle Multi company for Base Module
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Author: Aurélien DUMAINE,GRAP,Akretion,ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-pos_payment_terminal-backport-sbi
Repository: acsone/pos
Dependencies: point_of_sale
Languages: HTML (369, 42.2%), JavaScript (184, 21.0%), PO File (182, 20.8%), Python (37, 4.2%), XML (34, 3.9%), and reStructuredText (69, 7.9%)

Point of sale: support generic payment terminal
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Author: ACSONE SA/NV,GRAP,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-mig-pos_cash_move_reason
Repository: acsone/pos
Dependencies: point_of_sale
Languages: HTML (431, 6.0%), PO File (6151, 85.9%), Python (231, 3.2%), XML (222, 3.1%), and reStructuredText (128, 1.8%)

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Author: ForgeFlow, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-mig-purchase_product_usage
Repository: ecosoft-odoo/purchase-workflow
Dependencies: purchase
Languages: HTML (358, 42.2%), PO File (61, 7.2%), Python (222, 26.2%), XML (130, 15.3%), and reStructuredText (77, 9.1%)

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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: Jarsa/credit-control
Dependencies: account, base, and web
Languages: HTML (367, 2.0%), PO File (16859, 91.2%), Python (844, 4.6%), Sass (8, 0.0%), XML (320, 1.7%), and reStructuredText (78, 0.4%)

Manage customer risk
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Author: GRAP, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: acsone/pos
Dependencies: point_of_sale, and queue_job
Languages: HTML (372, 50.8%), PO File (71, 9.7%), Python (159, 21.7%), XML (52, 7.1%), and reStructuredText (79, 10.8%)

Delay the creation of the picking when PoS order is created
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Author: Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13-facturx-fix-no-tax
Repository: akretion/edi
Dependencies: base_ubl, and sale_order_import
Languages: HTML (341, 20.2%), Python (207, 12.2%), XML (1098, 64.9%), and reStructuredText (45, 2.7%)

Import UBL XML sale order files
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