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Author: brain-tec AG, ADHOC SA, Camptocamp SA, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-alc_master
Repository: acsone/product-attribute
Dependencies: product
Languages: HTML (385, 44.2%), PO File (224, 25.7%), Python (129, 14.8%), XML (38, 4.4%), and reStructuredText (95, 10.9%)

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Author: Onestein, Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-session_db-sbi
Repository: acsone/server-tools
Dependencies: web
Languages: HTML (469, 12.7%), JavaScript (144, 3.9%), PO File (700, 18.9%), Python (1609, 43.5%), Sass (10, 0.3%), XML (527, 14.2%), and reStructuredText (240, 6.5%)

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Author: Camptocamp, BCIM, Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 14.0--checkout--fields-order
Repository: camptocamp/wms
Dependencies: base, base_rest, base_sparse_field, component, endpoint_route_handler, http_routing, and jsonifier
Languages: HTML (440, 13.0%), PO File (186, 5.5%), Python (2082, 61.7%), SVG (119, 3.5%), XML (385, 11.4%), and reStructuredText (161, 4.8%)

Core module for creating mobile apps
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Author: Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: kmee/l10n-brazil
Dependencies: base, l10n_br_base, product, and uom
Languages: HTML (456, 1.4%), PO File (3212, 10.1%), Python (11785, 37.0%), XML (16185, 50.9%), and reStructuredText (187, 0.6%)

Brazilian fiscal core module.
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Author: Patrick Wilson, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: acsone/sale-workflow
Dependencies: crm, sale, and sale_management
Languages: HTML (340, 44.8%), PO File (212, 27.9%), Python (44, 5.8%), XML (122, 16.1%), and reStructuredText (41, 5.4%)

Adds Tags to Sales Orders.
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Author: Tiny, Acysos S.L., Tecnativa, ACSONE SA/NV,GRAP,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-add-purchase_stock_packaging-dro
Repository: acsone/purchase-workflow
Dependencies: base, product, purchase, and purchase_stock
Languages: HTML (383, 8.2%), PO File (602, 12.8%), Python (506, 10.8%), SVG (2997, 63.8%), XML (106, 2.3%), and reStructuredText (105, 2.2%)

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Author: KMEE,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-add-nfe40_entrega
Repository: akretion/l10n-brazil
Dependencies: l10n_br_zip, portal, and web
Languages: HTML (347, 34.0%), JavaScript (116, 11.4%), PO File (62, 6.1%), Python (93, 9.1%), XML (359, 35.2%), and reStructuredText (43, 4.2%)

Campos Brasileiros no Portal
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Author: Camptocamp, Grupo ESOC Ingeniería de Servicios, Tecnativa, LasLabs, ACSONE SA/NV, DynApps NV, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0
Repository: aaltinisik/partner-contact
Dependencies: base, and base_setup
Languages: HTML (393, 9.4%), PO File (2819, 67.6%), Python (671, 16.1%), XML (157, 3.8%), and reStructuredText (132, 3.2%)

Split first name and last name for non company partners
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Author: Creu Blanca,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: acsone/reporting-engine
Dependencies: base, and web
Languages: HTML (352, 63.7%), Python (112, 20.3%), XML (26, 4.7%), and reStructuredText (63, 11.4%)

Adding context to reports
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Author: Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-add-uom_qty_unique-dro
Repository: acsone/product-attribute
Dependencies: product, and product_state
Languages: HTML (372, 37.0%), Python (394, 39.2%), XML (162, 16.1%), and reStructuredText (77, 7.7%)

Product Status Computed From Fields
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