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Author: Hibou Corp.
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-test
Repository: hibou-io/hibou-odoo-suite
Dependencies: sale, sale_sourced_by_line, sale_stock, and stock_dropshipping
Languages: Python (177, 75.6%), and XML (57, 24.4%)

Change Confirmed Sale Lines Routes or Warehouses.
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Author: Ahmed Gaber
License: AGPL-3
Branch: semak
Repository: ezzatsamy/semak
Dependencies: account, and web
Languages: Markdown (19, 4.7%), Python (18, 4.4%), and XML (368, 90.9%)

Invoice Tree
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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-t-28021-vib
Repository: adhoc-dev/multi-store
Dependencies: base_multi_store, and stock
Languages: PO File (71, 21.3%), Python (101, 30.2%), XML (121, 36.2%), and reStructuredText (41, 12.3%)

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Author: Eficent Business and IT Consulting Services S.L.
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: ForgeFlow/ao-odoo
Dependencies: product, purchase, purchase_product_usage, and purchase_stock
Languages: Python (127, 52.5%), XML (95, 39.3%), and reStructuredText (20, 8.3%)

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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-t-57260-jok
Repository: adhoc-dev/sale
Dependencies: sale_stock, sale_ux, stock, stock_ux, and web_ir_actions_act_window_message
Languages: PO File (449, 43.6%), Python (333, 32.4%), XML (197, 19.1%), and reStructuredText (50, 4.9%)

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Author: ACSONE,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 13.0-rlf_master
Repository: acsone/edi
Dependencies: component, delivery, edi_exchange_template, edi_gs1, purchase_stock, and stock
Languages: HTML (339, 6.3%), Python (593, 10.9%), XML (507, 9.3%), XSD (3941, 72.7%), and reStructuredText (43, 0.8%)

Base module for GS1 standard EDI exchange related to stock.
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Author: Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-2477-
Repository: camptocamp/stock-logistics-warehouse
Dependencies: stock_cubiscan, web_ir_actions_act_view_reload, and web_notify
Languages: Python (136, 63.8%), XML (20, 9.4%), and reStructuredText (57, 26.8%)

Implement interface with Bosche Zipcube devices for packaging measurement
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Author: Comunitea
License: AGPL-3
Branch: docker
Repository: Comunitea/CMNT_00207_2020_ASC
Dependencies: product, rma, sale, stock, stock_picking_report_valued, stock_picking_type_group, stock_removal_location_by_priority, and warehouse_apk
Languages: Bourne Shell (1, 0.1%), PO File (113, 11.5%), Python (571, 58.3%), and XML (294, 30.0%)

Customization over warehouse
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Author: Eficent,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-mig-l10n_us_gaap
Repository: odoogap/l10n-usa
Dependencies: account, and base
Languages: HTML (357, 17.7%), Python (60, 3.0%), XML (1515, 75.3%), and reStructuredText (81, 4.0%)

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Author: Akretion,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15-dr-new-module
Repository: ursais/stock-logistics-warehouse
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (429, 55.4%), Python (167, 21.5%), XML (42, 5.4%), and reStructuredText (137, 17.7%)

Disallow negative stock levels by default
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