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Author: Vauxoo, Ursa Information Systems, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0-mig-crm_stage_probability
Repository: adhoc-dev/crm
Dependencies: crm_claim
Languages: HTML (355, 6.5%), PO File (4820, 87.9%), Python (58, 1.1%), XML (184, 3.4%), and reStructuredText (66, 1.2%)

Claim types for CRM
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Author: Patrick Wilson, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: aurestic/project
Dependencies: project
Languages: HTML (346, 29.5%), PO File (528, 45.1%), Python (89, 7.6%), XML (159, 13.6%), and reStructuredText (49, 4.2%)

Project Status
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Author: Camptocamp,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0-connector_jira-fix-migration-from-14.0
Repository: camptocamp/connector-jira
Dependencies: base, component, component_event, connector, hr_timesheet, multi_step_wizard, project, queue_job, web, and web_widget_url_advanced
Languages: HTML (521, 4.0%), Python (4261, 32.4%), XML (1128, 8.6%), YAML (6950, 52.9%), and reStructuredText (279, 2.1%)

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Author: Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: OCA/pos
Dependencies: event_sale, and point_of_sale
Languages: HTML (372, 11.8%), JavaScript (1286, 40.8%), PO File (195, 6.2%), Python (455, 14.4%), Sass (217, 6.9%), XML (562, 17.8%), and reStructuredText (67, 2.1%)

Sell events from Point of Sale
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Author: Creu Blanca, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: Change2improve/iot
Dependencies: iot_oca
Languages: HTML (330, 49.3%), Python (200, 29.9%), XML (107, 16.0%), and reStructuredText (33, 4.9%)

IoT allow multiple outputs
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Author: ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0-mig-brand_external_report_layout-sbj
Repository: acsone/brand
Dependencies: account_brand, analytic_brand, and contract
Languages: HTML (333, 73.7%), Python (57, 12.6%), XML (25, 5.5%), and reStructuredText (37, 8.2%)

This module allows you to manage branded contracts. It adds a brand field on the contract and propagate the value on the invoices.
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Author: ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0-account_brand-sbj
Repository: acsone/brand
Dependencies: analytic, and brand
Languages: HTML (334, 78.6%), Python (23, 5.4%), XML (29, 6.8%), and reStructuredText (39, 9.2%)

This addon associate an analytic account to a brand that will be used as a default value where the brand is used if the analytic accounting is activated
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Author: Open Source Integrators, Fabrice Henrion,Sodexis, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: aurestic/account-fiscal-rule
Dependencies: account, base, base_geolocalize, product, and sale
Languages: HTML (715, 19.9%), Python (1576, 43.8%), XML (747, 20.8%), and reStructuredText (557, 15.5%)

Automatic Tax application using the Avalara Avatax Service
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Author: ForgeFlow, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 15.0
Repository: brain-tec/operating-unit
Dependencies: base
Languages: HTML (357, 38.9%), PO File (126, 13.7%), Python (218, 23.8%), XML (150, 16.4%), and reStructuredText (66, 7.2%)

An operating unit (OU) is an organizational entity part of a company
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Author: ACSONE SA/NV, Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0
Repository: brain-tec/server-tools
Dependencies: base
Languages: HTML (387, 52.4%), PO File (71, 9.6%), Python (159, 21.5%), XML (36, 4.9%), and reStructuredText (86, 11.6%)

Base model to handle time windows
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