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Author: Trey, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: website_sale_fancybox
Repository: miguel-trey/website
Dependencies: website, website_fancybox, and website_sale
Languages: HTML (340, 76.9%), JavaScript (28, 6.3%), Python (16, 3.6%), XML (21, 4.8%), and reStructuredText (37, 8.4%)

Lightbox gallery for product images based on Fancybox
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Author: IT-Projects LLC, Ivan Yelizariev, Nicolas JEUDY
License: Other OSI approved licence
Branch: 13.0
Repository: ateneolab/website-addons
Dependencies: base, ir_config_parameter_multi_company, ir_rule_website, mail_multi_website, and website
Languages: HTML (390, 34.4%), Python (243, 21.4%), XML (147, 13.0%), and reStructuredText (353, 31.2%)

Yes, you can set up multi-company, multi-website, multi-theme, multi-eCommerce on a single database!
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Author: LasLabs, Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: sematicshood/flectra
Languages: PO File (193, 43.5%), and Python (251, 56.5%)

Provides a base for adding multi-company support to models.
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Author: Trey (
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: acysos/trey-addons
Dependencies: website_sale
Languages: PO File (24, 41.4%), Python (16, 27.6%), XML (13, 22.4%), and reStructuredText (5, 8.6%)

Show sale delay for products in ecommerce.
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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-os
Repository: onesteinbv/odoo-etl
Dependencies: base
Languages: PO File (349, 11.1%), Python (1807, 57.4%), and XML (991, 31.5%)

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Author: ADHOC SA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: AITIC/stock
Dependencies: decimal_precision, procurement, product, report_aeroo, sale_stock, and stock
Languages: PO File (1164, 58.1%), Python (410, 20.5%), XML (373, 18.6%), and reStructuredText (56, 2.8%)

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Author: Elico Corp
License: no license
Branch: 7.0
Repository: 2677460874/odoo-addons
Dependencies: mrp, and procurement
Languages: PO File (290, 56.1%), Python (137, 26.5%), XML (51, 9.9%), and reStructuredText (39, 7.5%)

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Author: Eficent, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0-purchase_return
Repository: ForgeFlow/purchase-workflow
Dependencies: purchase
Languages: Python (156, 56.5%), XML (83, 30.1%), and reStructuredText (37, 13.4%)

Add an option to refund return pickings
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Author: Vauxoo
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: bjoliveau/addons-vauxoo
Dependencies: base, decimal_precision, product, purchase, sale, and stock
Languages: HTML (91, 10.6%), PO File (224, 26.1%), Python (402, 46.9%), XML (127, 14.8%), and reStructuredText (14, 1.6%)

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Author: ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-stock_override_procurement-sbj
Repository: acsone/stock-logistics-workflow
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (353, 66.0%), Python (141, 26.4%), and reStructuredText (41, 7.7%)

This technical module allow to override procurement values
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