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Author: Nova Code
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 16.0
Repository: bobslee/odoo-formio
Dependencies: formio, and mail
Languages: HTML (34, 6.2%), Markdown (87, 15.8%), Python (367, 66.8%), and XML (61, 11.1%)

Python API for Forms data (builder, form/submission)
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Author: Odoo Italia Associazione,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: Odoo-Italia-Associazione/l10n-italy
Dependencies: account, and l10n_it_ade
Languages: HTML (40, 8.1%), Markdown (59, 12.0%), PO File (42, 8.5%), Python (40, 8.1%), XML (185, 37.6%), and reStructuredText (126, 25.6%)

Electronic invoices Payment Term
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Author: Quartile Limited, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: website_search_imp
Repository: TimLai125/l10n-japan
Dependencies: website_sale
Languages: Python (99, 100.0%)

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Author: Blanco Martín & Asociados, Odoo Chile Regionalización
License: AGPL-3
Branch: bfs_pr5
Repository: bmya/l10n-chile
Dependencies: account
Languages: HTML (63, 0.9%), Markdown (30, 0.4%), PO File (7070, 96.8%), Python (106, 1.5%), and YAML (33, 0.5%)

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Author: Nova Code
License: LGPL-3
Branch: patch-3
Repository: lieblinger/odoo-formio
Dependencies: formio, formio_components_synchronizer, formio_report_qweb, and mail
Languages: HTML (66, 15.5%), Markdown (47, 11.0%), Python (228, 53.5%), and XML (85, 20.0%)

Send Forms via mail
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Author: Datadialog - Michael Karrer
License: no license
Branch: dependabot/npm_and_yarn/addons-own/fso_base_website/static/lib/outdated-browser-rework-master/elliptic-6.5.3
Repository: OpenAT/online
Dependencies: account, base, fso_base, and fso_merge_partner
Languages: PO File (1121, 16.2%), Python (3339, 48.1%), XML (1871, 27.0%), and XSD (609, 8.8%)

FS-Online Austrian ZMR Connector
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Author: SHS-AV s.r.l.
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: zeroincombenze/l10n-italy
Languages: HTML (42, 22.8%), Python (10, 5.4%), and reStructuredText (132, 71.7%)

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Author: Damien Bouvy
License: LGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: 0x13R/odoo-js-demo
Dependencies: base_setup, bus, and web
Languages: JavaScript (349, 55.8%), LESS (48, 7.7%), Python (60, 9.6%), and XML (169, 27.0%)

Demo a WebApp to view tickets online
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Author: Blanco Martin & Asociados - Nelson Ramírez Sánchez - Daniel Blanco
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0
Repository: amarildogolloshi/odoo-bmya-cl
Dependencies: account, and account_chart
Languages: Markdown (46, 10.0%), Python (20, 4.4%), and XML (393, 85.6%)

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Author: Trobz
License: no license
Branch: 7.0-web-unleashed-195542
Repository: trobz/web
Dependencies: web
Languages: CSS (10, 0.2%), JavaScript (5154, 91.9%), Markdown (334, 6.0%), Python (78, 1.4%), and XML (33, 0.6%)

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