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Author: Vauxoo
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: 111sree/addons-vauxoo
Dependencies: procurement, purchase, and sale_stock
Languages: HTML (52, 24.0%), PO File (62, 28.6%), Python (61, 28.1%), XML (39, 18.0%), and reStructuredText (3, 1.4%)

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Author: Elneo
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: mdelneo/elneo-openobject
Dependencies: account, account_followup, purchase, purchase_sale, sale, stock, warning, and web
Languages: CSS (7, 1.3%), PO File (109, 20.6%), Python (204, 38.6%), and XML (208, 39.4%)

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Author: GRAP
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0-internal-trade
Repository: likaiyuan/odoo-addons-grap
Dependencies: base
Languages: Python (226, 60.9%), XML (62, 16.7%), and YAML (83, 22.4%)

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Author: Tecnativa,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: sematicshood/flectra
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (365, 77.2%), Python (99, 20.9%), and XML (9, 1.9%)

Adds security to Stock Move Lines across companies
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Author: AvanzOSC
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: adrianrevilla009/odoo-addons
Dependencies: account_asset, account_asset_utilities, and maintenance_equipment_extra_info
Languages: PO File (24, 23.8%), Python (27, 26.7%), XML (39, 38.6%), and reStructuredText (11, 10.9%)

Equipment with purchase line asset
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Author: Numigi
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: Numigi/odoo-project-addons
Dependencies: project_outsourcing, project_wip, and purchase
Languages: Python (86, 81.9%), and reStructuredText (19, 18.1%)

Generate WIP journal entries from purchase orders
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Author: ClearCorp
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0
Repository: BusinessTec/odoo-clearcorp
Dependencies: purchase_requisition
Languages: PO File (26, 22.0%), Python (42, 35.6%), XML (31, 26.3%), and reStructuredText (19, 16.1%)

Group requisitions
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Author: OdooMRP team, AvanzOSC, Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza
License: no license
Branch: 8.0-incoterm_extension
Repository: agaldona/odoomrp-utils
Dependencies: product
Languages: PO File (108, 68.4%), Python (22, 13.9%), XML (15, 9.5%), and reStructuredText (13, 8.2%)

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Author: ADSOFT
License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: Abdullah-Alghoul/ERP-Supra
Dependencies: account, and base
Languages: Python (4910, 94.1%), and XML (308, 5.9%)

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Author: sengottuvel
License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: sengottuvel/openerp-foundry
Dependencies: decimal_precision, hr, and hr_payroll
Languages: CSS (5, 1.5%), Python (206, 61.1%), and XML (126, 37.4%)

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