Author: | GRAP, Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | acsone/account-financial-tools |
Dependencies: | account |
Languages: | HTML (367, 34.0%), PO File (285, 26.4%), Python (67, 6.2%), XML (282, 26.1%), and reStructuredText (80, 7.4%) |
Author: | Numérigraphe SARL, Sistheo, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | aurestic/community-data-files |
Dependencies: | base, and contacts |
Languages: | HTML (371, 0.5%), PO File (68371, 98.9%), Python (205, 0.3%), XML (89, 0.1%), and reStructuredText (92, 0.1%) |
Author: | Therp BV, Opener B.V., GRAP, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0 |
Repository: | acsone/server-tools |
Dependencies: | base, mrp, point_of_sale, and stock |
Languages: | HTML (354, 12.1%), Mako (10, 0.3%), PO File (425, 14.6%), Python (1714, 58.7%), XML (356, 12.2%), and reStructuredText (61, 2.1%) |
Author: | GRAP, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 15.0 |
Repository: | brain-tec/server-tools |
Dependencies: | base |
Languages: | HTML (435, 33.9%), PO File (170, 13.2%), Python (279, 21.7%), XML (276, 21.5%), and reStructuredText (125, 9.7%) |
Author: | Numérigraphe, Sodexis, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 15.0-mig-scrap_reason_code |
Repository: | acsone/stock-logistics-warehouse |
Dependencies: | stock |
Languages: | HTML (389, 11.5%), PO File (2363, 69.7%), Python (344, 10.1%), XML (206, 6.1%), and reStructuredText (88, 2.6%) |
Author: | GRAP,Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0-mig-email_template_qweb |
Repository: | akretion/social |
Dependencies: | |
Languages: | HTML (348, 77.7%), PO File (21, 4.7%), Python (26, 5.8%), and reStructuredText (53, 11.8%) |
Author: | GRAP, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0 |
Repository: | aaltinisik/web |
Dependencies: | web |
Languages: | HTML (357, 69.9%), Python (20, 3.9%), Sass (75, 14.7%), and reStructuredText (59, 11.5%) |
Author: | La Louve, GRAP, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 14.0 |
Repository: | acsone/pos |
Dependencies: | point_of_sale |
Languages: | HTML (341, 60.8%), JavaScript (13, 2.3%), PO File (79, 14.1%), Python (23, 4.1%), XML (53, 9.4%), and reStructuredText (52, 9.3%) |
Author: | GRAP, Akretion, Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0-ocabot-merge-pr-1559-by-rafaelbn-bump-patch |
Repository: | brain-tec/account-financial-tools |
Dependencies: | account, and base |
Languages: | HTML (375, 26.6%), PO File (437, 31.0%), Python (68, 4.8%), XML (398, 28.2%), and reStructuredText (132, 9.4%) |
Author: | Tiny, Acysos S.L., Tecnativa, ACSONE SA/NV,GRAP,Odoo Community Association (OCA) |
License: | AGPL-3 |
Branch: | 16.0-add-purchase_stock_packaging-dro |
Repository: | acsone/purchase-workflow |
Dependencies: | base, product, purchase, and purchase_stock |
Languages: | HTML (383, 8.2%), PO File (602, 12.8%), Python (506, 10.8%), SVG (2997, 63.8%), XML (106, 2.3%), and reStructuredText (105, 2.2%) |