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Author: PESOL, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-ADD-contract_recurring_rule_by_line
Repository: PESOL/contract
Dependencies: contract_recurring_rule_by_line, and contract_sale_generation
Languages: Python (39, 100.0%)

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Author: INVITU
License: AGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: captivea-djh/asterisk
Dependencies: asterisk_click2dial, and event
Languages: Python (38, 40.0%), and XML (57, 60.0%)

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Author: ALL IP LTD
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: admacas/odoo-community
Dependencies: allip_base, allip_digits_2f_authentication, auth_signup, base, and web
Languages: CSS (330, 19.0%), HTML (133, 7.7%), JavaScript (1118, 64.4%), Markdown (3, 0.2%), Python (107, 6.2%), XML (26, 1.5%), and reStructuredText (18, 1.0%)

Two Factor SMS or Call Validation (2FA) for Signup Powered By Digits
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Author: Therp BV,Odoo Community Assocation (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 7.0-conditional_email_attachments
Repository: StefanRijnhart/server-tools
Dependencies: base, and email_template
Languages: PO File (30, 21.7%), Python (64, 46.4%), and XML (44, 31.9%)

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Author: Cenit IO
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: andhit-r/odoo-integrations
Dependencies: cenit_base
Languages: HTML (38, 23.9%), Python (36, 22.6%), and XML (85, 53.5%)

This is the experimental API documentation for <a href=''>MassiveRand</a> TRNG Web Service. Serving true random numbers since December 2014!<p>Explore our <a href='../tutorials'>Tutorials</a>.</p>
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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: workarounds
Repository: lepistone/carrier-delivery
Dependencies: base, base_delivery_carrier_label, decimal_precision, delivery_carrier_b2c, and delivery_carrier_label_roulier
Languages: Python (227, 43.9%), and XML (290, 56.1%)

Ship with Coliposte, Colissimo, So-colissimo and so on
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Author: Cenit IO
License: no license
Branch: 9.0
Repository: connect-to-ak/odoo-integrations
Dependencies: cenit_base
Languages: HTML (38, 46.9%), Python (37, 45.7%), and XML (6, 7.4%)

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Author: Cenit IO
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: andhit-r/odoo-integrations
Dependencies: base, and cenit_base
Languages: HTML (38, 13.9%), Python (67, 24.5%), and XML (169, 61.7%)

#Documentation This is the documentation for the partner endpoint of the BigOven Recipe and Grocery List API. The update brings with it Swagger-based documentation. [Swagger]( is an emerging standard for describing REST-based APIs, and with this Swagger-compliant endpoint (above), you can make ready-to-go interface libraries for your code via [swagger-codegen]( For instance, it's easy to generate libraries for Node.js, Java, Ruby, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, php and more! You can also try out the endpoint calls with your own api_key right here on this page. Be sure to enter your api_key above to use the "Try it out!" buttons on this page. ##Start Here Developers new to the BigOven API should start with this version, not with the legacy API. We'll be making improvements to this API over time, and doing only bug fixes on the v1 API. To pretend you're a BigOven user (for instance, to get your recently viewed recipes or your grocery list), you need to pass in Basic Authentication information in the header, just as with the v1 API. We do now require that you make all calls via https. You need to pass your api_key in with every call, though this can now be done on the header (send a request header "X-BigOven-API-Key" set to your api_key value, e.g., Request["X-BigOven-API-Key"]="your-key-here".) ##Migration Notes For existing partners, we encourage you to [migrate](, and while at this writing we have no hard-and-fast termination date for the v1 API, we strongly prefer that you migrate by January 1, 2017. While the changes aren't overly complex, there are several breaking changes, including refactoring of recipe search and results and removal of support for XML. This is not a simply plug-and-play replacement to the v1 API. With respect to an exclusive focus on JSON, the world has spoken, and it prefers JSON for REST-based API's. We've taken numerous steps to refactor the API to make it more REST-compliant. Note that this v2 API will be the preferred API from this point onward, so we encourage developers to migrate to this new format. We have put together some [migration notes](/web/documentation/migration-to-v2) that we encourage you to read carefully. ##Photos See our [photos documentation]( For more information on usage of this API, including features, pricing, rate limits, terms and conditions, please visit the [BigOven API website](
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Author: Cenit IO
License: no license
Branch: 8.0
Repository: andhit-r/odoo-integrations
Dependencies: base, and cenit_base
Languages: HTML (38, 5.2%), Python (67, 9.2%), and XML (625, 85.6%)

<div class="api-description"> <h2>Authentication</h2> <p>For all calls, supply your API key. <a href="">Sign up to <em>obtain the key</em></a>.</p> <p> Our API supports both <em>unencrypted (HTTP)</em> and <em>encrypted (HTTPS)</em> protocols. However, for security reasons, we strongly encourage using only the encrypted version. </p> <p>The API key should be supplied as either a request parameter <code>user_key</code> or in <code>Authorization</code> header.</p> <pre><code>Authorization: user_key &lt;YOUR_API_KEY&gt;</code></pre> <h2>API operations</h2> <p> All API operations can perform analysis on supplied raw text or on text extracted from a given URL. Optionally, one can supply additional information which can make the result more precise. An example of such information would be the language of text or a particular text extractor for URL resources. </p> <p>The supported types of analyses are:</p> <ul> <li><strong>lemmatization</strong> &longrightarrow; Finds out lemmata (basic forms) of all the words in the document. </li> <li><strong>correction</strong> &longrightarrow; Performs correction (diacritization) on all the words in the document. </li> <li><strong>topic detection</strong> &longrightarrow; Determines a topic of the document, e.g. finance or sports. </li> <li><strong>sentiment analysis</strong> &longrightarrow; Determines a sentiment of the document, i.e. how positive or negative the document is. </li> <li><strong>named entity recognition</strong> &longrightarrow; Finds named entities (like person, location, date etc.) mentioned the the document. </li> </ul> <h2>Encoding</h2> <p>The supplied text is expected to be in UTF-8 encoding, this is especially important for non-english texts.</p> <h2>Returned values</h2> <p>The API calls always return objects in serialized JSON format in UTF-8 encoding.</p> <p> If any error occurs, the HTTP response code will be in the range <code>4xx</code> (client-side error) or <code>5xx</code> (server-side error). In this situation, the body of the response will contain information about the error in JSON format, with <code>exception</code> and <code>message</code> values. </p> <h2>URL limitations</h2> <p> All the requests are semantically <code>GET</code>. However, for longer texts, you may run into issues with URL length limit. Therefore, it's possible to always issue a <code>POST</code> request with all the parameters encoded as a JSON in the request body. </p> <p>Example:</p> <pre><code> POST /s1/sentiment Content-Type: application/json {"text":"There is no harm in being sometimes wrong - especially if one is promptly found out."} </code></pre> <p>This is equivalent to <code>GET /s1/sentiment?text=There%20is%20no%20harm...</code></p> <h2>Request limitations</h2> <p> The API has other limitations concerning the size of the HTTP requests. The maximal allowed size of any POST request body is <em>512 KiB</em>. For request with a URL resource, the maximal allowed number of extracted characters from each such resource is <em>100,000</em>. </p> <h2>More information</h2> <p> <a href="" target="_blank"> The Interpretor Public Documentation </a> </p> </div>
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Author: Cenit IO
License: no license
Branch: 9.0
Repository: connect-to-ak/odoo-integrations
Dependencies: base, and cenit_base
Languages: HTML (38, 13.8%), Python (69, 25.0%), and XML (169, 61.2%)

#Documentation This is the documentation for the partner endpoint of the BigOven Recipe and Grocery List API....
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