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Author: FactorLibre,Noviat,Tecnativa,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0
Repository: aurestic/l10n-spain
Dependencies: base, intrastat_product, l10n_es, and l10n_es_aeat
Languages: HTML (446, 19.9%), PO File (578, 25.8%), Python (587, 26.3%), XML (450, 20.1%), and reStructuredText (175, 7.8%)

Spanish Intrastat Product Declaration
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Author: Noviat
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: gfcapalbo/noviat-apps
Dependencies: account, base, base_iban, and base_vat
Languages: PO File (62, 1.2%), Python (205, 4.0%), XML (4856, 93.9%), and reStructuredText (49, 0.9%)

Belgium - Partner Model customisations
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Author: Camptocamp, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: merge-branch-2477-13.0-logistics-BSCOS-912-1d2072a6
Repository: camptocamp/stock-logistics-warehouse
Dependencies: stock
Languages: HTML (439, 18.3%), Python (1620, 67.4%), XML (171, 7.1%), and reStructuredText (172, 7.2%)

Add extra routing operations for special locations
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Author: Le Nid, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0-self-weight-pr
Repository: Fkawala/pos
Dependencies: point_of_sale, and pos_barcode_tare
Languages: CSS (198, 8.4%), HTML (475, 20.1%), JavaScript (405, 17.2%), Python (31, 1.3%), SVG (886, 37.6%), XML (174, 7.4%), and reStructuredText (189, 8.0%)

Point of Sale - Self service weighing station for loose goods.
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Author: AvanzOSC
License: AGPL-3
Branch: mrp-addons12-mrp_product_template_lineal
Repository: alfredoavanzosc/mrp-addons
Dependencies: decimal_precision, and mrp
Languages: PO File (204, 29.4%), Python (304, 43.7%), XML (167, 24.0%), and reStructuredText (20, 2.9%)

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Author: Akretion
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-copier
Repository: aaltinisik/odoo-usability
Dependencies: intrastat_product, l10n_fr_intrastat_service, and product
Languages: Python (93, 87.7%), and XML (13, 12.3%)

Adds a special field Intrastat Type on Products
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Author: Cédric Pigeon, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-poc-for-manual-import
Repository: akretion/connector-lengow
Dependencies: account, connector, connector_base_product, connector_ecommerce, decimal_precision, delivery, product, product_sequence, sale, and sale_stock
Languages: Python (2670, 77.9%), XML (710, 20.7%), and reStructuredText (46, 1.3%)

Module used to connect Odoo to Lengow
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Author: Marco Calcagni, Gianmarco Conte, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 14.0-add-l10n_it_delivery_note_doc
Repository: Borruso/l10n-italy
Dependencies: base, l10n_it_delivery_note_base, mail, and web
Languages: HTML (362, 26.3%), PO File (228, 16.6%), Python (140, 10.2%), XML (565, 41.0%), and reStructuredText (82, 6.0%)

Gestione dei DDT senza avere il magazzino installato
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Author: BrowseInfo
License: no license
Branch: 13.0
Repository: Trust-Code/trustcode-addons
Dependencies: base, decimal_precision, mrp, and stock_account
Languages: HTML (323, 64.1%), Python (165, 32.7%), and XML (16, 3.2%)

Apps for allow to cancel Manufacturing Order cancel Manufacturing cancel order MO cancel Manufacturing reverse mrp cancel mrp order cancel reverse manufacturing order cancel stock reverse stock of MO production cancel order production order cancel
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Author: Le Nid, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0-self-weight
Repository: Fkawala/pos
Dependencies: point_of_sale, pos_barcode_tare, and pos_price_to_weight
Languages: CSS (198, 9.8%), HTML (362, 17.8%), JavaScript (329, 16.2%), Python (28, 1.4%), SVG (886, 43.6%), XML (156, 7.7%), and reStructuredText (71, 3.5%)

Point of Sale - Self service weighting station for loose goods.
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