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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-account_financial_report_qweb_fy_closing
Repository: Tecnativa/account-financial-reporting
Dependencies: account_financial_report_qweb, and account_fiscal_year_closing
Languages: Python (98, 90.7%), and reStructuredText (10, 9.3%)

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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0-mig-web_widget_digitized_signature_contract
Repository: Tecnativa/web
Dependencies: contract, report, and web_widget_digitized_signature
Languages: PO File (40, 15.2%), Python (63, 24.0%), and XML (160, 60.8%)

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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-PR-purchase_product_supplierinfo_populate
Repository: Tecnativa/product-attribute
Dependencies: stock
Languages: Python (125, 100.0%)

Update price unit in product supplier info pricelist
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Author: OdooMRP team,AvanzOSC,Tecnativa
License: no license
Branch: 8.0_QL
Repository: Ingeos/odoomrp-wip
Dependencies: decimal_precision, and product
Languages: PO File (381, 30.7%), Python (728, 58.6%), and XML (133, 10.7%)

Disable automatic product variant creation
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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-PR-website_sale_product_attribute_filter_reset-WIP
Repository: Tecnativa/e-commerce
Dependencies: http_routing, website, and website_sale
Languages: HTML (354, 71.5%), JavaScript (40, 8.1%), Python (57, 11.5%), and XML (44, 8.9%)

Allow reset attributes values selected when users change to other root category
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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 9.0-mig-website_mail_snippet_vertical_resize_base
Repository: Tecnativa/social
Dependencies: mass_mailing, web, and website_mail
Languages: JavaScript (35, 15.7%), PO File (63, 28.3%), Python (20, 9.0%), SVG (40, 17.9%), XML (25, 11.2%), and reStructuredText (40, 17.9%)

Allow input of height in pixels with just a class
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Author: Tecnativa, Akretion, Rubén Cabrera (Praxya),Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: product_variant_supplierinfo_for_customer
Repository: praxya/product-variant
Dependencies: product, product_supplierinfo_for_customer, and product_variant_supplierinfo
Languages: PO File (955, 77.2%), Python (145, 11.7%), XML (105, 8.5%), and reStructuredText (32, 2.6%)

Customer info to product variant scope
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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 15.0-mig-stock_picking_product_assortment_availavility_inline
Repository: Tecnativa/stock-logistics-workflow
Dependencies: stock, stock_picking_product_assortment, and stock_picking_product_availability_inline
Languages: HTML (346, 72.1%), Python (55, 11.5%), XML (30, 6.2%), and reStructuredText (49, 10.2%)

Glue module to display stock available when an assortment is defined for a partner
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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 11.0-account_asset_management-fixed
Repository: ForgeFlow/account-financial-tools
Dependencies: account_asset_management
Languages: HTML (355, 62.0%), Python (184, 32.1%), and XML (34, 5.9%)

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Author: Tecnativa, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-add-web_widget_one2many_product_picker_secondary_unit
Repository: Tecnativa/web
Dependencies: sale_order_secondary_unit, web, and web_widget_one2many_product_picker
Languages: HTML (403, 63.4%), JavaScript (23, 3.6%), Python (22, 3.5%), Sass (85, 13.4%), XML (18, 2.8%), and reStructuredText (85, 13.4%)

Adds support for secondary unit in the one2many product picker widget
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