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License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: 0k/web_fullcalendar
Dependencies: web, and web_calendar
Languages: CSS (431, 7.7%), JavaScript (4981, 89.1%), Python (18, 0.3%), Sass (33, 0.6%), XML (30, 0.5%), make (2, 0.0%), and reStructuredText (94, 1.7%)
Other repositories: cameroun/web_fullcalendar, hifans/web_fullcalendar, matrixise/web_fullcalendar, mkieszek/web_fullcalendar, and zrbhimani/web_fullcalendar

<h1 class="title">OpenERP fullcalendar module</h1> <p>This module replaces default old DXHTML calendar view from OpenERP 7.0 with the excellent <a class="reference external" href="">fullcalendar from Adam Shaw</a>.</p> <p><strong>This module code is now fully integrated in next version of OpenERP (&gt; 7.0)</strong></p> <a name="presentation"></a> <h2>Presentation</h2> <a name="requirements"></a> <h3>Requirements</h3> <p>This module was tested on OpenERP 7.0.</p> <p>As OpenERP 7.0 calendar implementation has numerous bugs, and that true modularity is not attained in current code, you'll need to apply some modification to OpenERP code base.</p> <p>There are modification to apply to <code>openobject-server</code> and <code>openobject-addons</code>. You can apply the branches or apply the patches that are provided with this source code. All instructions are in the <a class="reference internal" href="#install">Install</a> section.</p> <a name="why"></a> <h3>Why</h3> <p>OpenERP 7.0 calendar view has numerous bugs and the result wasn't sexy neither. Integrating an existing solution seemed a better idea so that the calendar code would be rock-solid, and supported by a large community.</p> <a name="features"></a> <h3>Features</h3> <ul class="simple"> <li>full day event support</li> <li>external element drop</li> <li>provides a full view as replacement of calendar view, and One2Many, Many2Many Form field widgets to use in form views.</li> <li>Read-only mode (can't drag/drop, or create new event on click)</li> </ul> <a name="maturity"></a> <h3>Maturity</h3> <p><code>web_fullcalendar</code> implementation is usable but it is currently missing:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>correct internationalisation support for date format especially</li> <li>event color support (on the way)</li> </ul> <p>There are no tests implemented, and this hurts.</p> <p>This code is quite fresh, and should be carefully checked and tested If you need to use it in production environment. This said, we concider that it actually works compared to actual legacy version of calendaring in OpenERP.</p> <a name="install"></a> <h2>Install</h2> <a name="module-installation"></a> <h3>module installation</h3> <p>This module is a standard OpenERP module and it should be installed as such. Be aware that once installed, it'll replace the old calendar view. No model nor objects are created, this is a 100% javascript module. For more information on how to use it in form, please head to the section <a class="reference internal" href="#usage">Usage</a>.</p> <a name="openerp-code-base-modifications"></a> <h3>OpenERP code base modifications</h3> <p>You'll need also to apply patches to <code>openobject-addons</code> and <code>openobject-server</code>. There are two different way to do this depending on whether you feel more confortable merging bzr branches or applying patches. The latter is the mandatory choice if your OpenERP code is NOT in a bzr repository.</p> <a name="bzr-merges"></a> <h4>bzr merges</h4> <p>You should use this method only if your code comes from bzr and is version controlled by bazaar.</p> <p>These are link the branches you should merge to your code base for:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li><code>openobject-server</code>: <a class="reference external" href="">support for o2m and m2m calendar widget</a>.</li> <li><code>openobject-addons</code>: <a class="reference external" href="">recurrence fixes</a>.</li> </ul> <a name="apply-patches"></a> <h4>apply patches</h4> <p>Patches to <code>openobject-server</code> and <code>openobject-addons</code> are bundled in the <code>web_fullcalendar</code> repository in the <code>patches/</code> directory.</p> <p>Apply the patches to <code>openobject-server</code> code base:</p> <pre> <code>cd MY_OPENOBJECT_SERVER_ROOT_PATH cat MY_WEBFULLCALENDAR_SOURCE_PATH/patches/openobject-server/*.patch | patch -p 1</code> </pre> <p>Apply the patches to <code>openobject-addons</code> code base:</p> <pre> <code>cd MY_OPENOBJECT_ADDONS_ROOT_PATH cat MY_WEBFULLCALENDAR_SOURCE_PATH/patches/openobject-addons/*.patch | patch -p 1</code> </pre> <a name="usage"></a> <h2>Usage</h2> <a name="view"></a> <h3>View</h3> <p>You have nothing special to do. All calendar view will be replaced by <code>web_fullcalendar</code>. Please note that you have a new attribute that you can use when declaring your <code>calendar</code> view:</p> <pre> <code>&lt;calendar string=&quot;Events&quot; date_start=&quot;date&quot; color=&quot;show_as&quot; date_delay=&quot;duration&quot; all_day=&quot;allday&quot;&gt; ... &lt;/calendar&gt;</code> </pre> <p>This attributes, as <code>date_start</code>, <code>date_delay</code> needs to get the field name of a boolean field name that should be filled with <code>True</code> whenever tasks to be create are full-day tasks.</p> <a name="widget"></a> <h3>Widget</h3> <p>You can use the <code>calendar</code> view in <code>one2many</code> or <code>many2many</code>, here's an example:</p> <pre> <code>... &lt;field name=&quot;meeting_ids&quot; widget=&quot;many2many_calendar&quot;&gt; &lt;calendar date_start=&quot;date&quot; color=&quot;user_id&quot; date_stop=&quot;date_deadline&quot; date_delay=&quot;duration&quot; all_day=&quot;allday&quot;&gt; &lt;field name=&quot;name&quot;/&gt; &lt;/calendar&gt; &lt;/field&gt; ...</code> </pre> <p>Notice the <code>widget</code> attribute set to <code>many2many_calendar</code> in the containing field declaration.</p>