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Author: Decodio Apllications Ltd
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 16.0-dev
Repository: badbole/l10n-croatia
Dependencies: account, base, and currency_rate_update
Languages: CSS (0, 0.0%), HTML (14, 2.7%), JavaScript (0, 0.0%), Markdown (29, 5.6%), Python (298, 57.1%), and XML (181, 34.7%)
Other branches: 14.0-dev

<h1>Currency rate extended</h1> <p>Standard Odoo logic assumes one currency rate for all documents.</p> <p>This module extends OCA currency<em>rate</em>update module with 2 major functionalities:</p> <ol> <li>multiple rates - Currency provider with multi rates, or multi provider </li> </ol> <pre><code>- Some currency rate providers (mostly banks) use multiple rates per currency: Ask rate, Mid rate and Sell rate... so this module will provide support for multiple rater per provider, as well as possibility to configure multiple providers for currency rates </code></pre> <ol> <li>Per journal rate setup </li> </ol> <pre><code>- Possibility to configure which provider/rate will be used for rate fetch in specific journal </code></pre> <ol> <li>Inverse currency rate <ul> <li>despite having OCA currency<em>rate</em>inverted module the same functionality is implemented in this module using different approach. Original module sets inverse rate boolean flag on res_currency model, which in multi-company/multi localziation environment makes a confusing dataset, as well as it is not realy usable if not installed on database setup and before any rates updated.</li> </ul></li> </ol> <p>In this module se have new field rate_inverse wich holds inverse rate for currency and flag to choose which one is shown is on company... so you can select per company how to show currency rates.</p> <p>Configure and setup</p> <p>This module should be installed when database setup is done.</p> <ol> <li><p>Accounting -&gt; Configuration -&gt; Currency rate providers</p> <ul> <li>setup and configure at least one currency rate provider</li> <li>if you set more than one rate provider, set main provider on company</li> </ul></li> <li><p>Settings -&gt; users and companies -&gt; Companies</p> <ul> <li>set default currency rate provider for company</li> </ul></li> </ol> <p>3, Accountung -&gt; Configuration -&gt; Journals - set per journal specific rate provider</p>