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Author: Wakari, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: LGPL-3
Branch: oca-port-pr--from-14.0-to-13.0
Repository: acsone/rest-framework
Dependencies: datamodel
Languages: HTML (438, 39.1%), Python (512, 45.8%), and reStructuredText (169, 15.1%)
Other branches: 13.0-backport-base-rest-pydantic, 13.0-backport-extendable, 14.0, 14.0-add-pydantic, 14.0-base-rest-pydantic-lmi, 14.0-base_res_service_add_properties-qgr, 14.0-deprecated-implicit-rest-method, 14.0-fdl_master, 14.0-fix-response-processing, 14.0-moz_master, 15.0, 15.0-initial, 16.0, 16.0-fastapi, and 16.0-upgrade-pre-commit
Other repositories: Change2improve/rest-framework, Digital5-Odoo/rest-framework, Gabinete-Digital/rest-framework, OCA/rest-framework, SeuMarco/rest-framework, akretion/rest-framework, coopiteasy/rest-framework, gastonfeng/rest-framework, gurneyalex/rest-framework, odoogap/rest-framework, simahawk/rest-framework, and ursais/rest-framework

<h1 class="title">Model Serializer</h1> <p><a class="reference external" href=""><img alt="Alpha" src="" /></a> <a class="reference external" href=""><img alt="License: LGPL-3" src="" /></a> <a class="reference external" href=""><img alt="OCA/rest-framework" src="" /></a> <a class="reference external" href=""><img alt="Translate me on Weblate" src="" /></a> <a class="reference external" href=""><img alt="Try me on Runbot" src="" /></a></p> <p>This module takes advantage of the concepts introduced in the <cite>datamodel</cite> module to offer mechanisms similar to (a subset of) the <cite>ModelSerializer</cite> in Django REST Framework. That is, use the definition of the Odoo model to partially automate the definition of a corresponding <cite>Datamodel</cite> class.</p> <div class="admonition important"> <p class="first admonition-title">Important</p> <p class="last">This is an alpha version, the data model and design can change at any time without warning. Only for development or testing purpose, do not use in production. <a class="reference external" href="">More details on development status</a></p> </div> <p><strong>Table of contents</strong></p> <div class="contents local topic" id="contents"> <ul class="simple"> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#usage" id="id2">Usage</a><ul> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#basic-usage" id="id3">Basic usage</a></li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#overriding-fields-definition" id="id4">Overriding fields definition</a></li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#de-serialization" id="id5">(De)serialization</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#changelog" id="id6">Changelog</a></li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#bug-tracker" id="id7">Bug Tracker</a></li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#credits" id="id8">Credits</a><ul> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#authors" id="id9">Authors</a></li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#contributors" id="id10">Contributors</a></li> <li><a class="reference internal" href="#maintainers" id="id11">Maintainers</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <a name="usage"></a> <h2 class="with-subtitle"><a class="toc-backref" href="#id2">Usage</a></h2> <h2 class="section-subtitle" id="modelserializer-class"><span class="section-subtitle"><code class="code">ModelSerializer</code> class</span></h2> <p>The <code class="code">ModelSerializer</code> class inherits from the <code class="code">Datamodel</code> class and adds functionalities. Therefore any class inheriting from <code class="code">ModelSerializer</code> can be used the exact same way as any other <code class="code">Datamodel</code>.</p> <a name="basic-usage"></a> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#id3">Basic usage</a></h3> <p>Here is a basic example:</p> <pre> <code>from odoo.addons.model_serializer.core import ModelSerializer class PartnerInfo(ModelSerializer): _name = &quot;; _model = &quot;res.partner&quot; _model_fields = [&quot;id&quot;, &quot;name&quot;, &quot;country_id&quot;]</code> </pre> <p>The result is equivalent to the following <code class="code">Datamodel</code> classes:</p> <pre> <code>from marshmallow import fields from odoo.addons.datamodel.core import Datamodel from odoo.addons.datamodel.fields import NestedModel class PartnerInfo(Datamodel): _name = &quot;; id = fields.Integer(required=True, allow_none=False, dump_only=True) name = fields.String(required=True, allow_none=False) country = NestedModel(&quot;;) class _AutoNestedSerializerResCountry(Datamodel): _name = &quot;; id = fields.Integer(required=True, allow_none=False, dump_only=True) display_name = fields.String(dump_only=True)</code> </pre> <a name="overriding-fields-definition"></a> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#id4">Overriding fields definition</a></h3> <p>It is possible to override the default definition of fields as such:</p> <pre> <code>from odoo.addons.model_serializer.core import ModelSerializer class PartnerInfo(ModelSerializer): _name = &quot;; _model = &quot;res.partner&quot; _model_fields = [&quot;id&quot;, &quot;name&quot;, &quot;country_id&quot;] country_id = NestedModel(&quot;;) class CountryInfo(ModelSerializer): _name = &quot;; _model = &quot;; _model_fields = [&quot;code&quot;, &quot;name&quot;]</code> </pre> <p>In this example, we override a <code class="code">NestedModel</code> but it works the same for any other field type.</p> <a name="de-serialization"></a> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#id5">(De)serialization</a></h3> <p><code class="code">ModelSerializer</code> does all the heavy-lifting of transforming a <code class="code">Datamodel</code> instance into the corresponding <code class="code">recordset</code>, and vice-versa.</p> <p>To transform a recordset into a (list of) <code class="code">ModelSerializer</code> instance(s) (serialization), do the following:</p> <pre> <code>partner_info = self.env.datamodels[&quot;;].from_recordset(partner)</code> </pre> <p>This will return a single instance; if your recordset contains more than one record, you can get a list of instances by passing <code class="code">many=True</code> to this method.</p> <p>To transform a <code class="code">ModelSerializer</code> instance into a recordset (de-serialization), do the following:</p> <pre> <code>partner = partner_info.to_recordset()</code> </pre> <p>Unless an existing partner can be found (see below), this method <strong>creates a new record</strong> in the database. You can avoid that by passing <code class="code">create=False</code>, in which case the system will only create them in memory (<code class="code">NewId</code> recordset).</p> <p>In order to determine if the corresponding Odoo record already exists or if a new one should be created, the system checks by default if the <code class="code">id</code> field of the instance corresponds to a database record. This default behavior can be modified like so:</p> <pre> <code>class CountryInfo(ModelSerializer): _name = &quot;; _model = &quot;; _model_fields = [&quot;code&quot;, &quot;name&quot;] def get_odoo_record(self): if self.code: return self.env[self._model].search([(&quot;code&quot;, &quot;=&quot;, self.code)]) return super().get_odoo_record()</code> </pre> <a name="changelog"></a> <h2 class="with-subtitle"><a class="toc-backref" href="#id6">Changelog</a></h2> <h2 class="section-subtitle" id="id1"><span class="section-subtitle"></span></h2> <p>First official version.</p> <a name="bug-tracker"></a> <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id7">Bug Tracker</a></h2> <p>Bugs are tracked on <a class="reference external" href="">GitHub Issues</a>. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed <a class="reference external" href="**Steps%20to%20reproduce**%0A-%20...%0A%0A**Current%20behavior**%0A%0A**Expected%20behavior**">feedback</a>.</p> <p>Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.</p> <a name="credits"></a> <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id8">Credits</a></h2> <a name="authors"></a> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#id9">Authors</a></h3> <ul class="simple"> <li>Wakari</li> </ul> <a name="contributors"></a> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#id10">Contributors</a></h3> <ul class="simple"> <li>François Degrave &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:f.degrave&#64;">f.degrave&#64;</a>&gt;</li> </ul> <a name="maintainers"></a> <h3><a class="toc-backref" href="#id11">Maintainers</a></h3> <p>This module is maintained by the OCA.</p> <a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img alt="Odoo Community Association" src="" /></a> <p>OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.</p> <p>This module is part of the <a class="reference external" href="">OCA/rest-framework</a> project on GitHub.</p> <p>You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit <a class="reference external" href=""></a>.</p>