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Author: KMEE Informática LTDA
License: AGPL-3
Branch: feature/totalvoice_odoo
Repository: kmee/web
Dependencies: base, and webhook
Languages: PO File (213, 18.7%), Python (593, 52.1%), XML (283, 24.9%), and reStructuredText (49, 4.3%)

<h1 class="title">TotalVoice Odoo</h1> <p>Module created to integrate the TotalVoice API with Odoo.</p> <p>This module manage to send and receive SMS messages, invoking methods to process the webhook events.</p> <a name="configuration"></a> <h2>Configuration</h2> <p>First, you will need to <a class="reference external" href="">create a TotalVoice Account</a></p> <p>After creating you account, the next step is to configure your 'Webhook de Resposta de SMS' in the 'Minha Conta / Configurações da API' menu.</p> <p>In this page, you should set the 'Webhook de Resposta de SMS' field with your <strong>webhook url</strong>. For example:</p> <pre> <code lang="xml"></code> </pre> <p>Notice the <strong>webhook/totalvoice</strong> after your Odoo URL. That is important.</p> <p>The next step is to retrieve your <strong>Access-Token</strong>. It can be found in the <cite>website main panel &lt;; _</cite></p> <p>Now paste your Access-Token in the totalvoice_odoo module configuration page and then save.</p> <pre> <code lang="xml">API-KEY: your access-token API-URL:</code> </pre> <p>Now, in the Odoo Configuration page, go in 'Technical/Automation/Webhook' and search for the TotalVoice consumer_name. Insert your <strong>webhook-url</strong> in the field <strong>IP or Network Address</strong>, overriding the existing one.</p> <pre> <code lang="xml"></code> </pre> <a name="webhook-usage"></a> <h2>Webhook Usage</h2> <p>In order to use the Webhook event handler, you must create a new class in your module, inheriting 'totalvoice.base'.</p> <p>In this class, you should be able to add new <strong>subjects</strong> to the subject field declared in the totalvoice.base. The subject name will be used to form the method name which will be called.</p> <p>Example of methods the webhook will call:</p> <pre> <code lang="xml">def confirm_operation_yes(self, *args) def confirm_operation_no(self, *args) def assign_task_yes(self, *args) def assign_task_no(self, *args)</code> </pre> <dl class="docutils"> <dt>Where <strong>confirm_operation</strong> and <strong>assign_task</strong> are names of new subjects,</dt> <dd><strong>yes</strong> and <strong>no</strong> are possible answers to the sent SMS and <strong>*args</strong> is the text after the first word in the SMS answer.</dd> </dl> <p>Below is a clearer example of how to override the totalvoice.base class</p> <pre> <code lang="python">SUBJECT_SELECTION = [ ('assign_task', 'Assign a Task'), ('cancel_assign', &quot;Cancel an Assigned Task&quot;), ] class TotalVoiceBase(models.Model): _inherit = 'totalvoice.base' healthprofessional_id = fields.Many2one( string=&quot;Health Professional&quot;, comodel_name='pontomedical.healthprofessional', ondelete='cascade', ) subject = fields.Selection( selection_add=SUBJECT_SELECTION, ) &#64;api.multi def assign_task_0(self, *args): self.ensure_one() self.healthprofessional_id.confirm_appointments() &#64;api.multi def assign_task_1(self, *args): self.ensure_one() self.healthprofessional_id.confirm_appointments(appointments=None) &#64;api.multi def cancel_assign_YES(self, *args): self.ensure_one() self.healthprofessional_id.cancel_assign(attach_reason=args)</code> </pre> <p>So, if the following SMS is sent to the user with the subject <strong>cancel_assign</strong>:</p> <pre> <code lang="xml">Do you want to cancel the assign? Type YES if you do want, following by your reasons.</code> </pre> <p>The user can answer that with, for example:</p> <pre> <code lang="xml">YES. Because tomorrow is my son's birthday.</code> </pre> <p>In this situation, the method <strong>cancel_assign_YES</strong> will be called, and <strong>*args*</strong> will be filled with the string 'Because tomorrow is my son's birthday.'.</p> <a name="bug-tracker"></a> <h2>Bug Tracker</h2> <p>Bugs are tracked on <a class="reference external" href="">GitHub Issues</a>. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smash it by providing detailed and welcomed feedback.</p> <a name="contributors"></a> <h3>Contributors</h3> <ul class="simple"> <li>Hugo Uchoas Borges &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:hugo.borges&#64;">hugo.borges&#64;</a>&gt;</li> </ul>