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Author: Noviat
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-coa-multilan-ape
Repository: acsone/l10n-belgium
Dependencies: account, account_chart, base, base_iban, base_vat, and report
Languages: HTML (78, 0.6%), PO File (2642, 19.4%), Python (1540, 11.3%), and XML (9366, 68.7%)
Other branches: 8.0-acs_master, 8.0-acsone-l10n_be_coa_multilang, 8.0-brs_master, 8.0-exq_master, 8.0-l10_be_coa_multilang_setup-lmi, 8.0-l10n_be_vat_listing-lga, acs_master, exq_master, and tmp-caro-prod-ape
Other repositories: Bubbles-IT/noviat-apps, CannaICT/canna-erp-third-party, CatsAndDogsbvba/noviat-apps, DudhatShivam/noviat-apps, EssentNovaTeam/noviat-apps, FullBringEc/noviat-apps, Guobower/noviat-apps, ICTSTUDIO/noviat-apps, Idealisconsulting/noviat-apps, Ingeos/noviat-apps, NL66278/noviat-apps, OdooBulgaria/noviat-apps, Organize-IT/noviat-apps, PieterPaulussen/noviat-apps, SVQTQ/noviat-apps, SetRac/noviat-apps, StefanRijnhart/noviat-apps, akretion/noviat-apps, alanljj/noviat-apps, aroodooteam/noviat-apps, brain-tec/noviat-apps, cameroun/noviat-apps, clagoa/noviat-apps, coopaname/noviat-apps, doomsterinc/noviat-apps, eezee-it/noviat-apps, francislouie/noviat-apps, gfcapalbo/noviat-apps, haryoran04/noviat-apps, haylahi/noviat-apps, hbrunn/noviat-apps, ilexius/noviat-apps, johanvhg/noviat-apps, kossovo/noviat-apps, l10nBECodeSprint/l10n-belgium, likaiyuan/noviat-apps, lonelyleaves/noviat-apps, lubonbvba/noviat-apps, luc-demeyer/l10n-belgium, luc-demeyer/noviat-apps, mah007/noviat-apps, marionumza/noviat-apps, markrobinson85/noviat-apps, mdietrichc2c/noviat-apps, mohamedhagag/noviat-apps, odoo-modules/noviat-apps, ovnicraft/noviat-apps, petypi/noviat-apps, rkhalil1990/noviat-apps, rven/noviat-apps, sasakuma/noviat-apps, schout-it/noviat-apps, sunflowerit/noviat-apps, suningwz/noviat-apps, syci/noviat-apps, taktik/noviat-apps, van-orsouw-consultancy/noviat-apps, and vidtsin/noviat-apps

<h1 class="title">Multilanguage alternative for the 'l10n_be' belgian accounting module.</h1> <p>This module activates the following functionality:</p> <blockquote> <ul class="simple"> <li>Multilanguage support (en/nl/fr) for Chart of Accounts (CoA), Taxes and Tax Codes.</li> <li>Multilingual accounting templates.</li> <li>Support for the NBB/BNB legal Balance and P&amp;L reportscheme including auto-configuration of the correct financial report entry when creating/changing a general account</li> <li><dl class="first docutils"> <dt>The setup wizard</dt> <dd><ul class="first last"> <li>allows to select mono- versus multilingual Chart of Accounts</li> <li>allows to select which languages to install</li> <li>copies the CoA, Tax, Tax Code and Fiscal Position translations from the installation templates</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </li> <li><dl class="first docutils"> <dt>Intervat XML VAT declarations</dt> <dd><ul class="first last"> <li>Periodical VAT Declaration</li> <li>Periodical Intracom Declaration</li> <li>Annual Listing of VAT-Subjected Customers</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </li> <li><dl class="first docutils"> <dt>Standard accounting module enhancements</dt> <dd><ul class="first last"> <li>Allow 'Deferral Method' = 'Balance' on Accounts Payable and Receivable (AP/AR) accounts</li> <li>Add constraint to ensure unique Tax Code per Company</li> <li>Replace Tax Object ( unique on (name, company_id) constraint by unique on (name, description, company_id)</li> <li>Improved multi-company support via 'active' and 'company_id' fields on 'account.account.type'</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </blockquote> <p>This module has a different approach for the population of the Chart of Accounts (CoA). The l10n_be module comes with a fully populated CoA whereas this module will only create the CoA Classes, Groups and a strict minimum set of general accounts. In order to have a fully populated CoA, you have to import the customer's CoA after the installation of this module. As an alternative, you can first install the l10n_be module to get a fully populated CoA and afterwards uninstall l10n_be and install this module.</p>