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Author: Camptocamp, Daniel Reis, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 8.0-timesheet-init-data
Repository: dreispt/hr-timesheet
Dependencies: hr_timesheet, hr_timesheet_invoice, project, and project_timesheet
Languages: PO File (26, 3.0%), Python (417, 47.9%), XML (77, 8.8%), YAML (281, 32.3%), and reStructuredText (70, 8.0%)
Other branches: 10.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0
Other repositories: AbdulrhmanGad/hr-timesheet, Antiun/hr-timesheet, BHC-sprl/hr-timesheet, Billolha/hr-timesheet, Chandresh-SerpentCS/timesheet, Change2improve/timesheet, ClearCorp/oca-hr-timesheet, Cloudxtreme/hr-timesheet, CompassionCH/hr-timesheet, DITIntl/timesheet, Digital5-Odoo/timesheet, Dobtor-OCA/timesheet, ERPLibre/timesheet, Endika/hr-timesheet, ForgeFlow/hr-timesheet, Gabinete-Digital/timesheet, Gofekra/hr-timesheet, GrupoAlvamex/hr-timesheet, Guobower/hr-timesheet, Ingeos/timesheet, JavierIniesta/hr-timesheet, LL-Akeera/hr-timesheet, MadsackMediaStore/hr-timesheet, Martronic-SA/timesheet, Marware/hr-timesheet, MathBenTech/timesheet, Mefistous/hr-timesheet, Michaellabarre/hr-timesheet, NeatNerdPrime/timesheet, Nikul-Chaudhary/hr-timesheet, Numigi/odoo-hr-timesheet, OCA-MUK/timesheet, OCA/timesheet, SanteLibre/timesheet, SeuMarco/timesheet, StefanRijnhart/hr-timesheet, Sudokeys/hr-timesheet, Syci-Consulting/timesheet, TDu/timesheet, Tecnativa/timesheet, VCLS-org/timesheet, Vauxoo/timesheet, VisiionSolucionesTecnologicas/hr-timesheet, VitalPet/hr-timesheet, WohthaN/hr-timesheet, acsone/timesheet, adhoc-dev/hr-timesheet, adolfoeliazat/hr-timesheet, agenterp/hr-timesheet, akretion/timesheet, alanljj/hr-timesheet, algiopensource/hr-timesheet, altexcorp/hr-timesheet, amendoncabh/hr-timesheet, anandkansagra/timesheet, andhit-r/hr-timesheet, anhvu-sg/timesheet, ankitprajapati6515/timesheet, apachesep/hr-timesheet, apetbiz/hr-timesheet, area-scm/timesheet, be-cloud-be/hr-timesheet, bizzappdev/hr-timesheet, bodi000/timesheet, brainbeanapps/timesheet, camptocamp/timesheet, charbeljc/hr-timesheet, cloudtrim/timesheet, coopiteasy/timesheet, crnd-inc/timesheet, damdam-s/hr-timesheet, davejames/timesheet-1, dinamicoraptor/hr-timesheet, dvitme/hr-timesheet, eLBati/hr-timesheet, ecosoft-odoo/timesheet, eezee-it/hr-timesheet, ehdem/hr-timesheet, elperrofarelo/hr-timesheet, flachica/timesheet, gaanto/hr-timesheet, garzadekoster/hr-timesheet, grindtildeath/timesheet, grivalta/timesheet, guewen/hr-timesheet, gurneyalex/timesheet, haroldtamo/hr-timesheet, hbrunn/hr-timesheet, hhgabelgaard/hr-timesheet, hinfo506/timesheet, hlnvaluein/hr-timesheet, hurrinico/hr-timesheet, i-vyshnevska/timesheet, ip-candres/timesheet, isoscl/hr-timesheet, jacky82669513/timesheet, javialgios/hr-timesheet, jkraehling/timesheet, jsnjfz/hr-timesheet, kirca/hr-timesheet, krismas/timesheet, leangjia/timesheet, leemannd/timesheet, lideritjnma/timesheet, magnuscolors/hr-timesheet, marionumza/hr-timesheet, mdietrichc2c/hr-timesheet, michaelkarrer81/timesheet, mikevhe18/hr-timesheet, mohamedhabibchallouf/hr-timesheet, molandtoxx/hr-timesheet, moylop260/hr-timesheet, mudismud/hr-timesheet, mv-organizeit/hr-timesheet, naibor/timesheet, nikul-serpentcs/hr-timesheet, odoo-etech/hr-timesheet, omeganubark/hr-timesheet, open-synergy/hr-timesheet, p-tombez/hr-timesheet, pedrobaeza/hr-timesheet, pscloud/hr-timesheet, rafaelbn/hr-timesheet, raouf-haddada/timesheet, rossasa/hr-timesheet, rschnapka/hr-timesheet, rsullivan2704/hr-timesheet, rven/hr-timesheet, sadeqamin/timesheet, sagar-developer-92/hr-timesheet, sanube/timesheet, savoirfairelinux/hr-timesheet, sc4you/hr-timesheet, serpentcs-dev1/hr-timesheet, shiram/timesheet, simahawk/timesheet, sisihitam/timesheet, solvosci/timesheet, sss-software/timesheet-2, stclaus-hg/hr-timesheet, steingabelgaard/timesheet, stesifrancesco/hr-timesheet, sunflowerit/hr-timesheet, sunshineLhj/timesheet, tafaRU/hr-timesheet, takinobori/oca-timesheet, taktik/hr-timesheet, tarteo/hr-timesheet, tegin/timesheet, tschanzt/hr-timesheet, urmyway/timesheet, veroc/hr-timesheet, versada/hr-timesheet, vrenaville/hr-timesheet, vvrossem/timesheet, wahello/timesheet, wajao/timesheet, xpansa/hr-timesheet, yannicktudoret/hr-timesheet, yostashiro/hr-timesheet, yousef-soliman/timesheet, yvaucher/hr-timesheet, and zmakrelouf/hr-timesheet

<a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img alt="License: AGPL-3" src=""> </a> <a name="analytic-timesheet-in-task"></a> <h2>Analytic Timesheet In Task</h2> <p>Replace task work items (<code></code>) linked to task with timesheet lines (<code>hr.analytic.timesheet</code>).</p> <p>Unlike the module project_timesheet, it allows to have only one single object that handles and records time spent by employees, making more coherence for the end user. This way, time entered through timesheet lines or tasks is the same. As long as a timesheet lines has an associated task, it will compute the related indicators.</p> <p>Used with the module hr_timesheet_task, it also allows users to complete task information through the timesheet sheet (<code>hr.timesheet.sheet</code>).</p> <p>Version 1.0.0 restores the ability to record the work date and time, just you could with the original Task Work lines</p> <p>It also makes available a scheduler action to migrate the old Task Work lines into Timesheet lines, so that work history can be made available.</p> <p>This process can be run in the background, so that a large amount of lines can be converted by a long running process and the still have the Odoo serevr available for the end users. In case the process in interrupted (for example, because the cron worker is killed), running the migration again will continue with the lines not yet migrated. Work Lines for Users that are not properly setup (don't have an Employee with a Product and a Journal configured) will display warnings in the server log, and will be skipped. The migration cron job will continuously try to migrate them, so it should be disabled when no more migration work is needed.</p> <a name="installation"></a> <h3>Installation</h3> <p>Version 1.0.0 add the <code>project_timesheet</code> dependency. Make sure you install it before performing the upgrade.</p> <a name="configuration"></a> <h3>Configuration</h3> <p>The data migration scheduler task is deisbled by default. If you need it, make sure you enable in the Scheduled Actions technical menu. Keep an eye on the server log to see the migration progress and warning messages. You can disable it again once the migration work has been completed.</p> <a name="usage"></a> <h3>Usage</h3> <p>In Project Tasks, you can create work lines. They look similar to the original work lines, and allow to select the User u and record a date and dtime for the work. But in fact these liens are being directly stored as Timesheet lines. You can confirm this by creating a Timesheet for the User covering the data of the work line. The work resorded from the Project Task will also be availablein the Timesheet.</p> <a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img alt="Try me on Runbot" src="" /></a> <a name="known-issues-roadmap"></a> <h3>Known issues / Roadmap</h3> <p>None.</p> <a name="bug-tracker"></a> <h3>Bug Tracker</h3> <p>Bugs are tracked on <a class="reference external" href="{project_repo}/issues">GitHub Issues</a>. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.</p> <a name="credits"></a> <h3>Credits</h3> <a name="images"></a> <h4>Images</h4> <ul class="simple"> <li>Odoo Community Association: <a class="reference external" href="">Icon</a>.</li> </ul> <a name="contributors"></a> <h4>Contributors</h4> <ul class="simple"> <li>Firstname Lastname &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:email.address&#64;">email.address&#64;</a>&gt;</li> <li>Second Person &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:second.person&#64;">second.person&#64;</a>&gt;</li> </ul> <a name="maintainer"></a> <h4>Maintainer</h4> <a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img alt="Odoo Community Association" src="" /></a> <p>This module is maintained by the OCA.</p> <p>OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.</p> <p>To contribute to this module, please visit <a class="reference external" href=""></a>.</p>