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Author: Vauxoo
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 9.0
Repository: boolit-team/addons-vauxoo
Dependencies: purchase, stock, and stock_move_tracking_number
Languages: HTML (307, 28.8%), PO File (105, 9.8%), Python (317, 29.7%), XML (219, 20.5%), YAML (36, 3.4%), and reStructuredText (83, 7.8%)
Other repositories: Jarsa-dev/addons-vauxoo, VizThoughts/addons-vauxoo, gsunjka/addons-vauxoo, jusdng/addons-vauxoo, map0logo/addons-vauxoo, oscarolar/addons-vauxoo, stundzia/addons-vauxoo, wanfgh/addons-vauxoo, woakes070048/addons-vauxoo, and xpansa/addons-vauxoo

<img alt="License: LGPL-3" src=""> <a name="warehouse-interim-receipt"></a> <h2>Warehouse Interim Receipt</h2> <p>This module add an internal warehouse number of receipt to the stock move to control the internal inventory.</p> <a name="installation"></a> <h2>Installation</h2> <p>To install this module, you need to:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>Not special pre-installation is required, just install as a regular odoo module:<ul> <li>Download this module from <a class="reference external" href="">Vauxoo/addons-vauxoo</a></li> <li>Add the repository folder into your odoo addons-path.</li> <li>Go to <code>Settings &gt; Module list</code> search for the current name and click in <code>Install</code> button.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <a name="configuration"></a> <h2>Configuration</h2> <p>To configure this module, you need to:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>There is not special configuration for this module.</li> </ul> <a name="usage"></a> <h2>Usage</h2> <p><strong>Warehouse Receipt Model</strong></p> <p>Add a new module named <code>Warehouse Receipt</code> that holds the information about warehouse interim receipt number. This number is related to the stock move.</p> <ul> <li><p class="first">The <code>Warehouse Receipt</code> field can be edit in the stock move form view in the <code>Shipment Info</code> section.</p> <img alt="Stock Move Form View" src="stock_move_form.png" /> </li> <li><p class="first">The <code>Warehouse Receipt</code> field is also shown in the stock move list view.</p> <img alt="Stock Move Tree view" src="stock_move_tree.png" /> </li> <li><p class="first">You can filter the stock moves list searching or grouping by <code>Warehouse Receipt</code>.</p> <img alt="Stock Move New Filters" src="stock_move_search.png" /> </li> <li><p class="first">The <code>Picking</code> form view that list the move lines also show the <code>Warehouse Receipt</code> per move.</p> <img alt="Move lines in Picking Form View" src="stock_picking_moves.png" /> </li> <li><p class="first">Add a wizard named <code>Modify Warehouse Receipt Numbers</code> visible from the picking form view that let to replace multiple warehouse receipt numbers for move lines of the same picking.</p> <img alt="button to access to the batch modigy wizard" src="modify_warehouse_receipt_button.png" /> <img alt="Modify Warehouse Receipt wizard" src="modify_warehouse_receipt_form.png" /> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Warehouse Receipt Input</strong></p> <p>Add new wizard that print a report, given a list of purchase order will show the user the move lines associated to that purchase order group by purchase order and warehouse receipt number. You can access to the functionality by going to <code>Reporting &gt; Warehouse &gt; Warehouse Receipt Input</code> menu.</p> <img alt="warehouse_receipt_wizard_menu.png" src="warehouse_receipt_wizard_menu.png" /> <p>At the wizard you can introduce the Bill of Lading (BOL) Number this is optional, required add one or more purchase order that you want to show in the report. Then you need to add the report name and if you want or not to save the query by generating a search filter that with hold the same query name.</p> <img alt="warehouse_receipt_wizard.png" src="warehouse_receipt_wizard.png" /> <p>The result is a tree view showing the stock moves of the selected purchase orders. This view group the moves by purchase order and then by warehouse receipt number.</p> <img alt="warehouse_receipt_wizard_result.png" src="warehouse_receipt_wizard_result.png" /> <a name="known-issues-roadmap"></a> <h2>Known issues / Roadmap</h2> <a name="bug-tracker"></a> <h2>Bug Tracker</h2> <p>Bugs are tracked on <a class="reference external" href="">GitHub Issues</a>. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback <a class="reference external" href="**Steps%20to%20reproduce**%0A-%20...%0A%0A**Current%20behavior**%0A%0A**Expected%20behavior**">here</a></p> <a name="todo"></a> <h2>TODO</h2> <ul class="simple"> <li>This module add a <code>purchase_order_id</code> field to the <code>stock.move</code>. This could be a generic functionality need to be consider to be add in a new generic module.</li> </ul> <a name="credits"></a> <h2>Credits</h2> <p><strong>Constributors</strong></p> <ul class="simple"> <li>Rafael Silva &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:rsilvam&#64;">rsilvam&#64;</a>&gt; (Planner/Auditor)</li> <li>Katherine Zaoral &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:kathy&#64;">kathy&#64;</a>&gt; (Developer)</li> </ul> <a name="maintainer"></a> <h2>Maintainer</h2> <a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img alt="Vauxoo" src="" style="width: 200px;" /></a> <p>This module is maintained by the Vauxoo.</p> <p>To contribute to this module, please visit <a class="reference external" href=""></a>.</p>