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Author: ACSONE SA/NV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 10.0
Repository: acsone/l10n-belgium
Dependencies: account_bank_statement_import
Languages: PO File (167, 37.4%), Python (246, 55.2%), and reStructuredText (33, 7.4%)
Other branches: 10.0-cla_master, 10.0-travis-sbi, 11.0, 11.0-mrm_master, 12.0, 13-companyweb, 13.0, 13.0-add-l10n-contract-price-revision-statbel-dro, 13.0-add-statbel-dro, 13.0-mig-account_bank_statement_import_coda, 13.0-slg_master, 13.0-upd-copier-dro, 8.0, 8.0-acs_master, 8.0-add-account-cash-discount-compute-ape, 8.0-brs_master, 8.0-exq_master, 8.0-l10_be_coa_multilang_setup-lmi, 9.0, acs_master, and exq_master
Other repositories: Bubbles-IT/l10n-belgium, Fuchur777/l10n-belgium, NeatNerdPrime/l10n-belgium, Niboo/l10n-belgium, OCA/l10n-belgium, OdooBulgaria/l10n-belgium, QANSEE/l10n-belgium, Thawah/l10n-belgium, adrienpeiffer/l10n-belgium, akretion/l10n-belgium, apetbiz/l10n-belgium, bvkl/l10n-belgium, camptocamp/l10n-belgium, coopiteasy/l10n-belgium, daramousk/l10n-belgium, lideritjnma/l10n-belgium, lmignon/l10n-belgium, lubonbvba/l10n-belgium, luc-demeyer/l10n-belgium, nextma/l10n-belgium, pscloud/l10n-belgium, robinkeunen/l10n-belgium, roussel2nis/l10n-belgium, sylvainvh/l10n-belgium, vanderperre/l10n-belgium, and vdewulf/l10n-belgium

<a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img src=""> </a> <a name="import-coda-bank-statement"></a> <h2>Import CODA Bank Statement</h2> <p>This module allows you to import your bank transactions with a standard <strong>CODA</strong> file (you'll find samples in the 'data' folder).</p> <p>This is an alternative to the l10n_be_coda module in Odoo Enterprise. It uses the external python lib <a class="reference external" href="">pycoda</a> as parser.</p> <p>Expected benefits:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>The pycoda parser is a better-tested external python lib.</li> <li>Better separation between file parsing and mapping of these data in Odoo.</li> <li>The module only depends of account_bank_statement_import.</li> </ul> <a name="installation"></a> <h3>Installation</h3> <p>To install this module, you need to install the python library <a class="reference external" href="">pycoda</a>.</p> <a name="bug-tracker"></a> <h3>Bug Tracker</h3> <p>Bugs are tracked on <a class="reference external" href="">GitHub Issues</a>. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.</p> <a name="credits"></a> <h3>Credits</h3> <a name="contributors"></a> <h4>Contributors</h4> <ul class="simple"> <li>Laurent Mignon &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:laurent.mignon&#64;">laurent.mignon&#64;</a>&gt;</li> <li>Stéphane Bidoul &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:stephane.bidoul&#64;">stephane.bidoul&#64;</a>&gt;</li> </ul> <a name="maintainer"></a> <h4>Maintainer</h4> <a class="reference external image-reference" href=""><img alt="Odoo Community Association" src="" /></a> <p>This module is maintained by the OCA.</p> <p>OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.</p> <p>To contribute to this module, please visit <a class="reference external" href=""></a>.</p>