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Author: MONK Software
License: LGPL-3
Branch: 10.0-base_request_rest
Repository: LeartS/rest-framework
Dependencies: web
Languages: Python (243, 69.0%), and reStructuredText (109, 31.0%)

<h1 class="title">REST Controllers in Odoo</h1> <a name="introduction"></a> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>This module allows you to define REST controllers in Odoo. Normally this is not possible, because Odoo assumes that all json requests are JSON-RPC and does some &quot;magic&quot; stuff that doesn't let you return the kind of responses usually returned by REST APIs. With this module, not only you can workaround the JSON-RPC limitation, but you get a lot of convenience methods to quickly and easily implement REST APIs -- for example, by having recordset be converted automagically to a JSON representation!</p> <a name="usage"></a> <h2>Usage</h2> <a name="basic-usage"></a> <h3>Basic usage</h3> <p>You define REST controllers like normal odoo controllers, you'll only need to use the <code>odoo.addons.base_request_rest.http.restroute</code> decorator (or <code>restroutemulti</code> or <code>restroutesingle</code>, see below) instead of the standard <code>odoo.http.route</code> one.</p> <p>For example:</p> <pre> <code>from odoo.addons.base_request_rest.http import restroute &#64;restroute('/api/partners') def list_partners(self, **params): return request.env['res.partner'].search_read( [], ['name', 'street'], limit=2)</code> </pre> <p>If you now go to <code>/api/partners</code>, you'll get a JSON response (i.e. with the appropriate HTTP headers set) with the following body (for example):</p> <pre> <code>{ &quot;status&quot;: &quot;success&quot;, &quot;data&quot;: [ {&quot;street&quot;: &quot;Main street, 2&quot;, &quot;id&quot;: 123, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;A big company&quot;}, {&quot;street&quot;: false, &quot;id&quot;: 124, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;A BIGGER company&quot;} ] }</code> </pre> <p>The dict returned by <code>search_read</code> has been automatically converted to its JSON representation, and the JSON response data has been automatically wrapped in a response object according to the <a class="reference external" href="">jsend specification</a></p> <p>You can optionally disable the jsend response format by setting <code>USE_JSEND = False</code>:</p> <pre> <code>from odoo.addons.base_request_rest import settings settings.USE_JSEND = False</code> </pre> <a name="automatic-return-value-conversion"></a> <h3>Automatic return value conversion</h3> <p>The dict is only one of the supported return types that are automatically converted to appropriate HTTP responses. In fact, from your controllers you can return:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>An instances of <code>http.Response</code>, which will be returned as-is</li> <li>An integer, which will be used as the response status code (no body)</li> <li>Any base type, list, dict or tuple (let's call these <em>JSON-serializable objects</em>): will be serialized using <code>json.dumps</code> and returned with status code 200</li> <li>A tuple (int, <em>JSON-serializable object</em>): like above, with an explicit status code</li> <li>Last, but definitely not least.. return directly a recordset that inherits from <code>rest.mixin</code> ! Keep reading to see how...</li> </ul> <a name="rest-mixin"></a> <h2>rest.mixin</h2> <p><code>rest.mixin</code> is an abstract model that you can make other models inherit in order to gain some super convenient rest functionalities:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>Easy to define fields to export with name mapping: you only need to declare a <code>_rest_fields_map</code> attribute in the class that maps odoo fields to api keys in the returned JSON</li> <li>Automatic JSON serialization: return recordset directly from your controller, it will be serialized to JSON automatically in the response.</li> <li>Customizable (de)serialization: rest.mixin provides the <code>to_json</code> and <code>from_json</code> methods that you can override to completely customize how records are serialized.</li> </ul> <p>For example, using <code>mixin</code>, this is all you have to do to create a read-only API that exposes your projects and projects' tasks:</p> <pre> <code>class RESTProjectProject(models.Model): _name = 'project.project' _inherit = ['project.project', 'rest.mixin'] _rest_fields_map = { 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'user_id': 'projectManager', } class RESTProjectProject(models.Model): _name = 'project.task' _inherit = ['project.task', 'rest.mixin'] &#64;restroutemulti('/projects') def list_projects(self): return request.env['project.project'].search([]) &#64;restroutesingle('/projects/&lt;model(&quot;project.project&quot;):project&gt;') def get_project(self, project): return project &#64;restroutemulti('/projects/&lt;model(&quot;project.project&quot;):project&gt;/tasks') def list_project_tasks(self, project): return project.task_ids</code> </pre> <a name="notes"></a> <h2>Notes</h2> <p>By deafult the controllers defined using the restroute* decorators are prefixed with <code>/rest</code>. So, for example, &#64;restroutemulti('/projects') will be published under <code>/rest/projects</code>. You can change this default prefix by setting the related variable before importing your controllers; for example write the following in your module's main</p> <pre> <code>from odoo.addons.base_request_rest import settings settings.API_PREFIX = '/api/v1'</code> </pre> <a name="credits"></a> <h2>Credits</h2> <a name="contributors"></a> <h3>Contributors</h3> <ul class="simple"> <li>Leonardo Donelli (LeartS) &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:donelli&#64;">donelli&#64;</a>&gt;</li> </ul> <a name="funders"></a> <h3>Funders</h3> <p>The development of this module has been financially supported by:</p> <ul class="simple"> <li>MONK Software</li> </ul>