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Author: SHS-AV s.r.l.
License: no license
Branch: 10.0-devel
Repository: zeroincombenze/l10n-italy
Dependencies: account, base, base_setup, l10n_it_ade, l10n_it_ddt, l10n_it_fiscalcode, purchase, report, and sale
Languages: CSS (3, 0.1%), HTML (203, 3.7%), PO File (775, 14.2%), Python (1606, 29.5%), XML (2159, 39.6%), and reStructuredText (707, 13.0%)

Manage document multiple reports
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Author: Akretioni, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12_ADD_slimpay_environment
Repository: akretion/server-env
Dependencies: account_payment_slimpay, and server_environment
Languages: HTML (367, 75.2%), Python (32, 6.6%), and reStructuredText (89, 18.2%)

Configure Slimpay payments with server_environment
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Author: Comunitea,
License: AGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: Comunitea/CMNT_0090_2016_APL
Dependencies: base, decimal_precision, project, and report
Languages: CSS (42, 1.9%), PO File (343, 15.3%), Python (730, 32.6%), and XML (1127, 50.3%)

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Author: Marcos Organizador de Negocios SRL, SoftNet Team SRL, Odoo Dominicana (ODOM)
License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: herohat/ncf_dgii_reports
Dependencies: account, ncf_manager, and web
Languages: CSS (13, 0.4%), HTML (21, 0.7%), JavaScript (446, 14.7%), Markdown (44, 1.4%), PO File (2, 0.1%), Python (1443, 47.5%), and XML (1069, 35.2%)

Este módulo implementa los reportes de los números de comprobantes fiscales para el cumplimento de la norma 06-18 de la Dirección de Impuestos Internos en la República Dominicana.
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Author: Matt Taylor
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: asphaltzipper/azi-odoo-modules
Dependencies: account, and sale
Languages: Python (38, 42.2%), XML (39, 43.3%), and reStructuredText (13, 14.4%)

Customer Credit Application
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Author: Dinamiche Aziendali srl,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0_ricevute_bancarie
Repository: As400it/l10n-italy
Dependencies: l10n_it, and mis_builder
Languages: HTML (366, 12.5%), PO File (348, 11.8%), Python (20, 0.7%), XML (2128, 72.4%), and reStructuredText (77, 2.6%)

MIS Builder templates for the Italian P&L and Balance Sheets
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Author: Eficent, Odoo Community Association (OCA), Project Expert Team
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0-del-rpl-hierarchy
Repository: ForgeFlow/eficent-odoo-addons
Dependencies: analytic, analytic_journal, analytic_plan_cost_revenue, decimal_precision, project_wbs, and project_wbs_stage
Languages: PO File (222, 27.3%), Python (416, 51.2%), XML (103, 12.7%), and reStructuredText (71, 8.7%)

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Author: Therp BV
License: AGPL-3
Branch: 12.0
Repository: aurestic/Therp-Addons
Dependencies: l10n_nl
Languages: Python (51, 78.5%), XML (5, 7.7%), and reStructuredText (9, 13.8%)

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License: AGPL-3
Branch: master
Repository: alvarojimenezpaz/odoo-cl-12
Dependencies: account, base, hr, hr_payroll, and l10n_cl_hr
Languages: HTML (54, 4.8%), Markdown (53, 4.7%), PO File (249, 22.3%), Python (451, 40.3%), and XML (312, 27.9%)

Préstamos al Personal descontados vía Nómina
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License: no license
Branch: master
Repository: achuthanselvaraj/pos
Dependencies: account, account_tax_python, base, l10n_in, and product
Languages: PO File (1038, 38.2%), Python (96, 3.5%), XML (1577, 58.1%), and YAML (3, 0.1%)

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